f Journal of Information Management | Review Process

Review Process

1. The review of submitted manuscripts is conducted by editorial members and scholars in related research fields.。
2. The editor-in-chief consults the editorial committee members in each field to decide on the reviewers based on the nature of the manuscript.。
3. Manuscripts will be reviewed by two experts and scholars; each reviewer will state his or her opinions on the review form and check one of the following four items.:

(1) Publish directly
(2) Only minor modifications are required and no re-review is required.
(3) Major revision is required.
(4) Reject

4. Processing methods
Processing methodSecond reviewer’s comments
Recommended PublishMinor Revision and
no re-review is required.
Review again after
substantial revision
First reviewer’s opinionRecommended PublishRecommended PublishAfter modification
Recommended for publication
Major revision and
require futher review
Minor Revision and
no re-review is required.
After modification
Recommended for publication
After modification
Recommended for publication
Major revision and
require futher review
Major revision and
require futher review
Major revision and
require futher review
Major revision and
require futher review
Major revision and
require futher review
note : The editor-in-chief and the field editor may decide to reject the manuscript, send it back for revision, or hire a third reviewer based on the actual review opinions and scores of the external reviewers.。

5. Whether or not to publish an article is related to the rights and interests of the contributors. The editor-in-chief and the field editor will review and synthesize the review opinions, make a ruling, and send a letter of opinion to the contributor to explain how to handle it.