f Journal of Information Management | 期刊檢索

Journal of Information ManagementVol. 17 iss. 1

頁: 1-22
日期: 2010/01
關鍵字: altruism;altruistic behavior;agent-based evolutionary model;
Keywords: altruism;altruistic behavior;agent-based evolutionary model;
摘要: This research is conceptually based on Ethnocentrism Model of Hammond & Axelrod (2006a) and Seven-stages Altruistic Behavior Model of Ma (1992) to form five distinctive agents: 1.selfish agent; 2. ethnocentric passive agent which perform in-groups co...

瀏覽次數: 15959     下載次數: 251

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 23-45
日期: 2010/01
關鍵字: Collective Creative Efficacy;Information Systems Development;Knowledge Integration Ability;Achievement motivation;Project Complexity;
Keywords: Collective Creative Efficacy;Information Systems Development;Knowledge Integration Ability;Achievement motivation;Project Complexity;
摘要: This study proposes a new construct-collective creative efficacy, and a model incorporating team knowledge, achievement motivation, knowledge integration ability and a moderator of project complexity to describe the factors influencing collective cre...

瀏覽次數: 19059     下載次數: 234

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頁: 47-79
日期: 2010/01
關鍵字: Environmental uncertainty;Information strategy;Organization communication;Performance;
Keywords: Environmental uncertainty;Information strategy;Organization communication;Performance;
摘要: The objective of this study is to explore the relationships among the environmental uncertainty, information strategy, organization communication and performance in Taiwan's industries. We use mail survey questionnaire on this research. Then, we veri...

瀏覽次數: 17407     下載次數: 241

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 81-109
日期: 2010/01
關鍵字: text mining;Web mining;synonymous transliteration;cross lingual information retrieval;Chinese transliteration;
Keywords: text mining;Web mining;synonymous transliteration;cross lingual information retrieval;Chinese transliteration;
摘要: There is no translation standard across the regions such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and China where Chinese language is used. As a result, a foreign proper noun is often translated to different Chinese words which lead to the incomplete search problem if o...

瀏覽次數: 16812     下載次數: 6792

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頁: 111-131
日期: 2010/01
關鍵字: Hierarchical cellular network;speed-sensing;traffic-adaptation;fault-tolerance,and handoff procedure;
Keywords: Hierarchical cellular network;speed-sensing;traffic-adaptation;fault-tolerance,and handoff procedure;
摘要: Hierarchical cellular networks that employ microcells with overlaying macrocells have been proposed to increase the traffic-carrying capacity and circuit quality. A major drawback is that a large number of handoff procedures usually take place when t...

瀏覽次數: 17542     下載次數: 261

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 133-155
日期: 2010/01
關鍵字: Association rule;Significant rare data;Semi-frequent ItemSets;Cluster;Decomposition;
Keywords: Association rule;Significant rare data;Semi-frequent ItemSets;Cluster;Decomposition;
摘要: Mining out the association rules is the popular research issue in data mining research. In recent years, many studies have focused on discovering the important association rules based on the criteria of maximum support and confidence for frequent ite...

瀏覽次數: 17392     下載次數: 208

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 157-176
日期: 2010/01
關鍵字: Decision tree;Data mining;Classification;Heuristic method;Principal component analysis;
Keywords: Decision tree;Data mining;Classification;Heuristic method;Principal component analysis;
摘要: The ability to extract useful information from a large-scale database to aid decision-making is critical in data mining. Classification is an important problem in data mining. It has been studied extensively as a possible solution to the knowledge ac...

瀏覽次數: 16944     下載次數: 336

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 177-196
日期: 2010/01
關鍵字: Adult education;Network teaching;Learning of virtual communities;Technology Acceptance Model;Blended learning;
Keywords: Adult education;Network teaching;Learning of virtual communities;Technology Acceptance Model;Blended learning;
摘要: The paper aims to focus on the influence factors of the learning attitude and behavioral intention for adult learners who are involved in blended and virtual learning communities. This research is based on TAM and the questionnaire is proved by objec...

瀏覽次數: 21383     下載次數: 285

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