f Journal of Information Management | 期刊檢索

Journal of Information ManagementVol. 26 iss. 2

頁: 121-151
日期: 2019/04
關鍵字: online group buying;perceived fairness;price;waiting time;demand;
Keywords: online group buying;perceived fairness;price;waiting time;demand;
摘要: Purpose-Under the development of electronic commerce, as well as wireless networks and the popularity of smart phones environment, bankers have pay close attention to mobile banking opportunities. This study aims to develop a customer value hierarchy...

瀏覽次數: 40665     下載次數: 3966

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 153-177
日期: 2019/04
關鍵字: FinTech;stock price forecasting;machine learning;fuzzy inference forecasting system;
Keywords: FinTech;stock price forecasting;machine learning;fuzzy inference forecasting system;
摘要: Purpose-The purpose of this study is to propose a fuzzy inference forecasting system to predict the variation of stock price of each company and the stock price fluctuation range. Design/methodology/approach-In this study, four machine learning algor...

瀏覽次數: 31496     下載次數: 1394

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 179-208
日期: 2019/04
關鍵字: 資料包絡分析;資訊服務產業;經營效率;效率參考集合;
Keywords: 資料包絡分析;資訊服務產業;經營效率;效率參考集合;
摘要: 本文旨在協助資訊服務產業中無效率公司之營運進行標竿設立,以及如何透過資料包絡分析技術對公司提出經營改善之建議。研究結果指出,一、該產業中規模較大的公司,其經營效率相較規模較小的公司來的更好,同時規模大的公司管理者相對的需投入更多的努力以有效管理企業,...

瀏覽次數: 33909     下載次數: 7901

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 209-239
日期: 2019/04
關鍵字: Industry 4.0;lean manufacturing;digital factory;dashboard;IoT;
Keywords: Industry 4.0;lean manufacturing;digital factory;dashboard;IoT;
摘要: Purpose-The goal of this research is to propose a lean-based IoT (Internet of Thing) platform and the process of deploying the platform for SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) such that the SMEs can progress with continuous transformation, upgr...

瀏覽次數: 42810     下載次數: 15817

引用     導入Endnote