f Journal of Information Management | 期刊檢索

Journal of Information ManagementVol. 17 iss. 4

頁: 1-30
日期: 2010/10
關鍵字: programming language;skill transfer;positive transfer;negative transfer;
Keywords: programming language;skill transfer;positive transfer;negative transfer;
摘要: On the issue of graphical user interface (GUI), clicking toolbar with mouse click is an ordinary way to operate software functions. However, software functions are not necessary performed by ”mouse click”. Rolling mouse wheel instead of mouse click...

瀏覽次數: 15562     下載次數: 2368

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 31-60
日期: 2010/10
關鍵字: knowledge management;association rule;co-word analysis;clustering analysis;strategic diagram;
Keywords: knowledge management;association rule;co-word analysis;clustering analysis;strategic diagram;
摘要: Issues about the ”structure” and ”tendency” are two essential points in the studies of topic domain. The former shows the classification and association of issues and the latter reveals the changes, evolution, and differences of related issues in...

瀏覽次數: 20026     下載次數: 737

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 61-87
日期: 2010/10
關鍵字: Information Security Policy;Information Security Culture;Information Security Effectiveness;
Keywords: Information Security Policy;Information Security Culture;Information Security Effectiveness;
摘要: Organizations nowadays rely highly on the information technology to achieve its daily operation demand. Due to the continual occurrence of many information security incidents, the protection of information systems is a major problem faced by organiza...

瀏覽次數: 17723     下載次數: 253

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 89-117
日期: 2010/10
關鍵字: Blog;Experiential Value;Technology Accept Model;Continuance Intention;
Keywords: Blog;Experiential Value;Technology Accept Model;Continuance Intention;
摘要: In this study, a research is conducted on user's continuing use in Blog focus on user's experiential value and technology accept model based on the integration of Interaction, Enjoyment, Usefulness, and Easy of use. This study proposes a theoretical ...

瀏覽次數: 18191     下載次數: 257

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 119-138
日期: 2010/10
關鍵字: ISO9001;QMS;Hybrid e-Learning;Learning Theories;
Keywords: ISO9001;QMS;Hybrid e-Learning;Learning Theories;
摘要: The ISO9001 quality management system (QMS) has been adopted by millions of organizations and in just as many business sectors. Along with an increasing demand for QMS auditors comes an equally increasing demand for training applications. However, it...

瀏覽次數: 17736     下載次數: 207

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 139-169
日期: 2010/10
關鍵字: Behavioral intention to accept e systems;Technology Acceptance Model TAM;Task-Technology Fit TTF;Alienation;Life insurance;
Keywords: Behavioral intention to accept e systems;Technology Acceptance Model TAM;Task-Technology Fit TTF;Alienation;Life insurance;
摘要: One of the key factors to successfully deploy e-technologies lies in the employees' behavioral intention. Innovation theory argues that intention of innovation acceptance is highly related with the results of organizational learning induced from inno...

瀏覽次數: 21213     下載次數: 3038

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 171-196
日期: 2010/10
關鍵字: e-negotiation;emoticon;negotiation rapport;social-emotional communication;task-oriented communication;
Keywords: e-negotiation;emoticon;negotiation rapport;social-emotional communication;task-oriented communication;
摘要: Ever since the booming of global e-business and its severe competition, e-negotiation has been getting popular and become unavoidable in the future. Among all kinds of communication mode, Instant Messaging (IM) has unobtrusively changed and influence...

瀏覽次數: 22861     下載次數: 238

引用     導入Endnote