f Journal of Information Management | 期刊檢索

Journal of Information ManagementVol. 26 iss. 4

陳仲儼 Chung-Yang Chen,徐子涵 Tzu-Han Hsu;
頁: 379-412
日期: 2019/10
關鍵字: software reverse engineering, ontology, class diagrams, coupling;
Keywords: software reverse engineering, ontology, class diagrams, coupling;
摘要: Purpose-This research is to develop a knowledge-based ontological system, abbreviated as OntREDQ, for online quality analysis on UML structural models in SRE. Design/methodology/approach-In terms of structure and concept, OntREDQ comprises a dom...

瀏覽次數: 20719     下載次數: 1430

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 413-450
日期: 2019/10
關鍵字: complex neuro-fuzzy;complex fuzzy set;feature selection;particle swarm optimization;recursive least squares estimator;
Keywords: complex neuro-fuzzy;complex fuzzy set;feature selection;particle swarm optimization;recursive least squares estimator;
摘要: Purpose-Facing the current international environment, investment has become a way of profit for many businesses and people, stocks are a common method of trading in this area, but stock price fluctuations have a wide range of influences, it is diffic...

瀏覽次數: 20901     下載次數: 431

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 451-482
日期: 2019/10
關鍵字: multi-target feature selection;artificial neural networks (ANN);sphere complex fuzzy sets (SCFS);sphere complex neuro-fuzzy system (SCNFS);hybrid machine learning algorithm;
Keywords: multi-target feature selection;artificial neural networks (ANN);sphere complex fuzzy sets (SCFS);sphere complex neuro-fuzzy system (SCNFS);hybrid machine learning algorithm;
摘要: Purpose - Time series forecasting is a challenging research issue. In the past research, most of them were single-target forecasting. However, in the stock market, stocks will effect each other. Therefore, we hope to predict the stock price on multip...

瀏覽次數: 22530     下載次數: 387

引用     導入Endnote
頁: 483-511
日期: 2019/10
關鍵字: multi-target prediction;sphere complex fuzzy sets;convolution neural networks;fuzzy inference system;hybrid learning;
Keywords: multi-target prediction;sphere complex fuzzy sets;convolution neural networks;fuzzy inference system;hybrid learning;
摘要: Purpose-Time series prediction is a challenging issue. Most prediction methods in literature implement prediction for a single target at a time only. In this paper, our purpose is to design a novel approach for multi-target simultaneous prediction. D...

瀏覽次數: 22375     下載次數: 508

引用     導入Endnote