頁: 335-368
日期: 2022/10
摘要: 數位政府的服務日益發展,便捷了民眾跟政府之間的溝通,數位賦權成為政府永續發展的重要關鍵,然而,數位機會普及的問題一直是民眾接觸政府服務時的一大挑戰,本研究透過國發會所委託執行「個人/家戶數位機會調查報告」2004年至2018年的資料進行跨年度的分析,檢視我國民眾數位政府的使用,可作為我國政府在推動政策以及建構相關服務的重要參考,以改善弱勢族群接觸不易的問題,提高數位政府服務的深度以及廣度,以邁向有效、負責、回應、包容和參與的公共治理。研究結果顯示,民眾對於數位政府服務使用率大約在2成5到3成5之間,而數位藩籬仍然存在,年齡與教育程度向來是造成我國民眾在數位政府使用中,數位機會不足的重要因素。值得慶幸的是,過去性別與區域間,數位機會不足的問題,則隨著時間的推進而有所改善。如何創造不同年齡與教育程度民眾間平等的數位機會,乃是當今數位政府發展所面臨的挑戰。
關鍵字: 數位落差;數位機會;數位包容;數位治理;數位政府;電子化政府;
Abstract: The emergence of Information Communication Technologies(ICTs)has changed the interaction channels between government and citizens. The government has been making significant attempts to make their services and information available on the Internet. There is digitally empowered that is crucial to achieve sustainable development. However, digital opportunity seems to be undoubtedly an obstacle that the public faces. The study aimed to explore the use of e-government services by adopting cross-year traverse and longitudinal analysis. The study is based on a survey, entitled “Digital Opportunity of Individual/Household from 2002 to 2018, by National Development Council. Results from the study reveal that the percentage of utilization of e‐government services fluctuates between 25% to 35%. The results also indicate that digital divides exist in the citizens' ages and education levels. Persistent lower levels of connectivity among people with older and less educated. Luckily, the diffusion rates among gender and geographical/administrative areas are increasing; therefore, there is room for improving digital access as time goes by. The results of the present study help our government to develop a new policy, enhance access to technology among underprivileged groups and broaden the scope and complexity of building digital-government services, which would facilitate more effective, responsible, responsive, inclusive and participatory public governance.
Keywords: Digital Divide, Digital Opportunity, Digital Inclusion, Digital Governance, E-government;
瀏覽次數: 31666 下載次數: 4191
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 335-368
日期: 2022/10
摘要: 數位政府的服務日益發展,便捷了民眾跟政府之間的溝通,數位賦權成為政府永續發展的重要關鍵,然而,數位機會普及的問題一直是民眾接觸政府服務時的一大挑戰,本研究透過國發會所委託執行「個人/家戶數位機會調查報告」2004年至2018年的資料進行跨年度的分析,檢視我國民眾數位政府的使用,可作為我國政府在推動政策以及建構相關服務的重要參考,以改善弱勢族群接觸不易的問題,提高數位政府服務的深度以及廣度,以邁向有效、負責、回應、包容和參與的公共治理。研究結果顯示,民眾對於數位政府服務使用率大約在2成5到3成5之間,而數位藩籬仍然存在,年齡與教育程度向來是造成我國民眾在數位政府使用中,數位機會不足的重要因素。值得慶幸的是,過去性別與區域間,數位機會不足的問題,則隨著時間的推進而有所改善。如何創造不同年齡與教育程度民眾間平等的數位機會,乃是當今數位政府發展所面臨的挑戰。
關鍵字: 數位落差;數位機會;數位包容;數位治理;數位政府;電子化政府;
Do Citizens Cross the Digital Barrier? A Longitudinal Analysis of Digital Governance Services
Abstract: The emergence of Information Communication Technologies(ICTs)has changed the interaction channels between government and citizens. The government has been making significant attempts to make their services and information available on the Internet. There is digitally empowered that is crucial to achieve sustainable development. However, digital opportunity seems to be undoubtedly an obstacle that the public faces. The study aimed to explore the use of e-government services by adopting cross-year traverse and longitudinal analysis. The study is based on a survey, entitled “Digital Opportunity of Individual/Household from 2002 to 2018, by National Development Council. Results from the study reveal that the percentage of utilization of e‐government services fluctuates between 25% to 35%. The results also indicate that digital divides exist in the citizens' ages and education levels. Persistent lower levels of connectivity among people with older and less educated. Luckily, the diffusion rates among gender and geographical/administrative areas are increasing; therefore, there is room for improving digital access as time goes by. The results of the present study help our government to develop a new policy, enhance access to technology among underprivileged groups and broaden the scope and complexity of building digital-government services, which would facilitate more effective, responsible, responsive, inclusive and participatory public governance.
Keywords: Digital Divide, Digital Opportunity, Digital Inclusion, Digital Governance, E-government;
瀏覽次數: 31666 下載次數: 4191
引用 導入Endnote