
頁: 445-476
日期: 2021/10
摘要: 敗血症是全世界的主要死亡原因,敗血性休克的死亡率高達50%。根據世界衛生組織估計,每年有超過600萬人死於敗血症,早期診斷和治療可以預防大多數的敗血性休克發病與死亡,但是,目前缺乏可靠的早期敗血症智能預測系統。時至今日,在大數據分析的快速發展和重症監護室的豐富醫療數據不斷累積的推波助瀾下,讓人們對於開發智能模型來早期預測敗血性休克等急性醫療狀況產生了極大的興趣。本研究開發一套嶄新的智能敗血症早期預測技術,它包含長短期記憶體,卷積神經網路、完全連接網路與模糊支持向量機,以實現敗血症的早期預測。我們使用2010至2018年在長庚醫院接受醫療的17歲以上病患的電子健康記錄,提取的數據包含靜態特徵集,例如人口統計數據和過去病史;以及動態特徵集,例如帶有時間戳的生命徵象與生物標記。本研究提出一個混合的深度神經網路模型來自動學習關鍵特徵,第一個組件是卷積神經網路,它可以獲得動態信息的局部特徵。第二個組件是完全連接的神經網路,它可以擷取靜態信息內的隱含特徵,此外,長短期記憶體用於補抓動態信息的時間依賴性特徵,最後,深度模型學習得到的特徵將餵入到嶄新的模糊孿生支持向量機中,以預測敗血症不良結果。本研究提出的智能系統可以提前28天預測敗血症發作,這將為減輕敗血症發作的風險,提供早期解決方案。
關鍵字: 敗血症早期預測;深度學習;模糊支持向量機;臨床決策支持系統;醫學資訊學;

Early detection of sepsis utilizing deep learning and fuzzy support vector machine

Abstract: Sepsis is a leading cause of death over the world and septic shock, the most severe complication of sepsis, reaches a mortality rate as high as 50%. The World Health Organization estimates that more than six million people die of sepsis annually, and early diagnosis and treatment can prevent most morbidity and mortality. However, reliable and intelligent systems for predicting sepsis are scarce. The rapid development in big data analytics and the data-rich environment of intensive care units has generated great interest in developing models to predict acute medical conditions such as septic shock. This study proposes a novel technique that combines long short-term memory (LSTM), convolutional neural network (CNN), fully connected neural network, and fuzzy twin support vector machine to achieve early prediction of sepsis. We used data from the electronic health records (EHRs) of all patients above 17 years old admitted to the medical ICU at Chang-Geng Memorial Hospital between January 2010 and December 2018. The extracted data contained sets of static features, such as demographic and clinical information, and temporal features such as time-stamped vital signs. In this study, we propose a general deep neural network framework that incorporates two additional components with the aim of improving LSTM to automatically extract important features. The first component, a CNN, is added before LSTM to obtain local characteristics of EHRs. The second component, a fully connected neural network, introduces static information (e.g., age) to LSTM. Finally, a LSTM is applied to handle dynamic information (e.g., the lab result). The features learned by the deep learning model are fed to a novel fuzzy twin support vector to predict sepsis onset in patients admitted to an intensive care unit. Using EHRs data, sepsis onset can be predicted up to 28 d in advance. Our findings will offer an early solution for mitigating the risk of sepsis onset.
Keywords: Sepsis early prediction;deep learning;fuzzy support vector machines;clinical decision support systems;medical informatics;

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