頁: 55-77
日期: 2004/07
摘要: 在企業流程管理(BPM)的活動中,流程的設計與程序診斷兩階段是主要的核心工作,因為這將決定企業未來組識架構、業務流程箏攸關企業未來走向之架構。現今在程序診斷階段中,企業舊有之流程之取得,一般皆由負責專案之顧問至企業中經由實地訪談使用者的方式取得,不但耗費時間,顧問本身經驗與實力對於企業流程的分析亦有所影響,而訪談同時亦會影響企業流程的運作,間接增加企業人力成本。由於現今企業經營已大量的使用資訊系統因此企業的許多作業流程知識亦已存在於資訊系統的資訊流之中。是故,在本論文中提出一套整合轉換機制IFBP,其可利用企業現有的資訊流程將其轉換成全業現有作業流程,提供診斷企業現行流程之-輔助工具,減少所需時間。IFBP機制主要包含有移植、整合、與轉換等三個階段,它的輸入為企業內各系統的資訊流程圖(DFD),而輸出的結果則為企業流程塑模常使用的事件驅動流程鏈(EPC)圖。本論文最後以Information Capacity理論來驗證轉換的方法的正確性,並以雛形系統為實例個案來驗證可行性與評估績效。
關鍵字: 企業流程管理;企業資源規劃;資料流程圖;事件驅動流程鏈;資訊承載;
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) has become a critical activity in business administration. However, there exists a significant gap between knowledge management and information technology: automatic classification of dynamic business knowledge, since business knowledge is often dynamic and accumulative. This paper aims to explore and reduce the gap so that information technology may really assist businesses in managing knowledge. An agent-based collaborative knowledge classification and management model CKCMA is proposed. The agents collaborate with each other in order to closely link people to knowledge, and vice versa. They negotiate with each other to classify input knowledge documents and requests, and accordingly identify which agent should be in charge of the related KM activities, including knowledge elicitation, accumulation, distribution, and sharing. An experiment is designed to empirically evaluate CKCMA's multiagent knowledge classification technique. In the experiment, the feasibility and contributions of context-based automatic knowledge classification are verified.
Keywords: Business Process Management BPM;Data Flow Diagram DFD;Event-driven Process Chain EPC;Information Capacity;
瀏覽次數: 26703 下載次數: 457
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 55-77
日期: 2004/07
摘要: 在企業流程管理(BPM)的活動中,流程的設計與程序診斷兩階段是主要的核心工作,因為這將決定企業未來組識架構、業務流程箏攸關企業未來走向之架構。現今在程序診斷階段中,企業舊有之流程之取得,一般皆由負責專案之顧問至企業中經由實地訪談使用者的方式取得,不但耗費時間,顧問本身經驗與實力對於企業流程的分析亦有所影響,而訪談同時亦會影響企業流程的運作,間接增加企業人力成本。由於現今企業經營已大量的使用資訊系統因此企業的許多作業流程知識亦已存在於資訊系統的資訊流之中。是故,在本論文中提出一套整合轉換機制IFBP,其可利用企業現有的資訊流程將其轉換成全業現有作業流程,提供診斷企業現行流程之-輔助工具,減少所需時間。IFBP機制主要包含有移植、整合、與轉換等三個階段,它的輸入為企業內各系統的資訊流程圖(DFD),而輸出的結果則為企業流程塑模常使用的事件驅動流程鏈(EPC)圖。本論文最後以Information Capacity理論來驗證轉換的方法的正確性,並以雛形系統為實例個案來驗證可行性與評估績效。
關鍵字: 企業流程管理;企業資源規劃;資料流程圖;事件驅動流程鏈;資訊承載;
IFBP: A Methodology for Business Process Discovery Based on Information Flow
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) has become a critical activity in business administration. However, there exists a significant gap between knowledge management and information technology: automatic classification of dynamic business knowledge, since business knowledge is often dynamic and accumulative. This paper aims to explore and reduce the gap so that information technology may really assist businesses in managing knowledge. An agent-based collaborative knowledge classification and management model CKCMA is proposed. The agents collaborate with each other in order to closely link people to knowledge, and vice versa. They negotiate with each other to classify input knowledge documents and requests, and accordingly identify which agent should be in charge of the related KM activities, including knowledge elicitation, accumulation, distribution, and sharing. An experiment is designed to empirically evaluate CKCMA's multiagent knowledge classification technique. In the experiment, the feasibility and contributions of context-based automatic knowledge classification are verified.
Keywords: Business Process Management BPM;Data Flow Diagram DFD;Event-driven Process Chain EPC;Information Capacity;
瀏覽次數: 26703 下載次數: 457
引用 導入Endnote