
頁: 185-218
日期: 2018/04
摘要: 「網路直播平台(live streaming video)」是近年不可被忽視的新興社群媒體平台。相較於一般影音平台乃是透過事先拍攝後進行上傳至網路分享,直播多了「即時性」與「互動性」兩種特性,在直播過程中,實況主能依據觀眾在聊天室的反應,立即做出回應,創造出更多的差異化內容,但觀眾踴躍的發言時,實況主就有可能遺漏觀眾的訊息。因此本研究之目的是希望透過情緒探勘技術,探勘聊天室的內容後,以較為簡單方式呈現觀眾想表達的意見,希望有助於實況主能以較輕鬆的方式得知觀眾反應,並可做為內容調整之參酌。本研究提出之情緒探勘系統主要分為三大步驟,首先透過「網路聊天室爬蟲」建立Socket連線至Twitch-IRC(Server),即時自動擷取聊天室內容,並將取得的留言內容進行「網路用語正規化」的步驟後,再透過模糊支持向量機進行情緒「正面」以及「負面」分類,透過模糊理論可以更精確的計算正面(負面)情緒的歸屬程度。最後以「文字雲」、「情緒波動圖」、「情緒雷達圖」、「情緒直方圖」、「情緒盒鬚圖」等各式圖表進行結果呈現。
關鍵字: 線上直播;情緒分析;網路用語;支持向量機;模糊理論;

Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining in Live Streaming by Using Fuzzy Support Vector Machine

Abstract: Purpose-Live streaming video is an emerging community media platform in recent years. Compared to the traditional video, live streaming video is more instant and interactive. According to the response of the audience in the chat room, the live streamer can immediately respond and create different content. But when too many messages are generated in the chat room, the live streamer is likely to omit the audience's message. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to mining the contents of audience's message in the chat room through the sentiment mining technology and to present the results in a more simple way. Design/methodology/approach - The proposed sentiment analysis system consists of three major models. First, we create a Socket connection to Twitch-IRC (Server) of chat room via the web crawler and capture the message from the chat room at predefined intervals. Second, we normalize the internet slang in audience's message into the standard format that can be analyzed. Finally, we propose a fuzzy support vector machine to classify the audience's message into positive or negative emotion. Findings-On the average, the proposed approach yields satisfactory performance with accuracy rate of 98.88% on internet slang normalization and 87.72% on live streaming sentiment analysis. Questionnaires also demonstrate the efficacy and effectiveness of the resulted sentiment statistics. Research limitations/implications - This study focused only on accurately classifying the audience's sentiment on live streaming. In our future work, we plan to investigate the correlation between audience's sentiment and audience rating. Practical implications-The results of sentiment analysis are presented with text clouds, line graph, radar chart, histogram and box plot, etc. This can help the streamer to know the audience's response in a more relaxed way and to adjust the content of the live streaming video according to the audience's response. Originality/value-This study is, to the best of our knowledge, the first attempt to apply fuzzy support vector machine and word embedding cluster features for the live streaming sentiment analysis in Taiwan.
Keywords: live streaming video;sentiment analysis;web crawler;internet slang;support vector machine;

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