
頁: 233-246
日期: 2003/07
摘要: 遠距教學配合電腦網路發展出來的非同步學習網路,提供使用者一個可在任何時間地點皆可學習的模式。合作學習實施在傳統的教室教學上已有實際的成效,而與非同步學習網路的結合,也被專家學者認為有正面的效果。根據過去的文獻,合作學習的成效深受任務的型態和困難度的影響,但是在非同步教學網路上的合作學習,這一方面探討的文獻仍然缺乏,因此,本研究以任務的型態與困難度為自變數,探討對於非同步網路上合作學習績效與滿意度的影響,並比較不同教學體系是否有所差異。研究結果發現,兩種教學體系的共同點是難度的高低會影響到學習者的績效(H1c),而對於網路媒體的態度正面與否也會干擾學習者在執行不同程度困難度任務時的績效(H5a)。雖然使用電腦的態度僅在對於學習者的滿意度上有顯著效果(H3b),但我們可以間接推論對在電腦使用上態度較正面者而在學習上感到較為滿意者,對於電腦系統操作上必然較為熟練、而能影響到整體學習的績效。因此,我們可以從加強學習者對於電腦和網路媒體的認知和使用,並可利用網路教學平台促進難度較高問題問題的解決。
關鍵字: 非同步學習網路;合作學習;任務型態;任務困難度;學習績效;學習滿意度;

The Research of Influence of Task Type and Difficulty on the Effect and Satisfaction of Collaborative Learning on ALN: A Comparison of Vocational School and Regular College

Abstract: The development of distance learning provides a flexible learning mode. Cooperating with computer network, Asynchronous Learning Network (ALN) provides a new learning mode in which user can study anytime and in anyplace. Collaborative learning not only has theoretical evidences of psychology and pedagogy, but is also carried out effectively in traditional classrooms. Experts also claim that the combination of collaborative and ALN has positive effects. According to the literature review, task type and difficulty have significant influences on the motives, attitudes, and effects of group activities. However, this aspect still lacks substantial research. So this research takes task type and difficulty as independent variables, and probes their influences on the effect and satisfaction of collaborative learning on ALN and compares if there is difference between two different educational systems. The results show that the task difficulty has significant influence on the learning efficiency (H1c) for both schools and the attitude toward network media also plays a intervening effect on learning efficiency with a positive attitude having a better learning efficiency and satisfaction. (H5a) Though the attitude toward computer usage has only impact the learners' satisfaction (H3b), we can infer that people having positive attitude toward computer usage tend to be more satisfied with learning process and have better practiced skills and achievements.
Keywords: Asynchronous Learning Network ALN;Collaborative Learning;Task Type;Task Difficulty;Learning Effect;Learning Satisfaction;

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