
頁: 23-46
日期: 2003/07
摘要: 本研究主要目地是建立一個資訊系統整合廠商評量模式,用以進行評估及選擇適當的系統整合廠商。以核心銀行系統轉換為例,經由文獻探討及針對國內某商業銀行的個案研究,我們定義出考量因素分析層級及涵蓋因素。配合分析層級法(Analytical Hierarchy Process)設計問卷,收集銀行資訊管理人員及業務管理人員對於各考量因素兩兩比較的認知,經AHP運算建立層級因素問的權重分派,之後再依受測者樣本分類進行統計分析,作為評估廠商時參考的對象。決策者可根據各自銀行狀況再作權重調整,以此標準評量廠商資料,計算最後評比結果。本研究進一步根據所發展的資訊系統整合廠商評量模式的需求發展一個評量模式建構支援系統,以網頁技術支援評量者分析層級建構及網路問春調查。在應用於各類資訊系統廠商評選時,可依照本研究建議的評量模式,修改分析層級架構,在參考產業認知及層級分析的運算作業下,評選出優良的合作廠商。
關鍵字: 核心銀行系統;系統轉型評估;分析層級程序法;

Building IT Vendor Evaluation Model-A Core Banking System Experience

Abstract: Using a core banking system as the example, this study aims to establish an evaluation model and the associated model construction support system to facilitate the vendor evaluation process. We review the literature and identify a group of consideration categories and their included factors. These factors are conformed to real world situations through a case study on a commercial bank at Taiwan. In the following survey, the weight allocation for these consideration factors is investigated from the banking community at Taiwan. A questionnaire based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to collect the comparative perceptions for the importance of these consideration factors. Through the AHP, the aggregated evaluation weights are calculated. Statistical analysis is conducted based on the perception differences among different groups of sample. Based on the evaluation model, the decision-makers may adjust the evaluation weights of the consideration factors based on the ad-hoc needs for their banks. The comparative scores of the evaluated vendors are then calculated for the participating vendors. The study contributes to establish an AHP-based evaluation process and the associated model construction support system using the web technologies for the AHP levels construction and questionnaire survey. The similar approach can be applied to other kinds of information systems.
Keywords: Systems Evaluation;Core Banking Systems;Analytical Hierarchy Process;

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