
頁: 121-146
日期: 2003/07
摘要: 本研究欲了解在K12數位學校網路學習平台中,128位參與本網路進修課程學員互動討論之品質,以及三位輔導教師如何在「數學科網路進修活動」中透過線上協同引導對話方式,輔導生手教師之數學專業成長。本研究以內容分析與問卷調查方式,剖析(1)學員利用電子化溝通媒介進修時,將產生何種型態的網路課程與互動模式;(2)輔導教師如何採用鷹架策略,帶領學員討論與對話,以促進小組成員討論之互動品質及批判思考深度;以及(3)學員對輔導教師提供鷹架輔助策略的重要性與滿意度看法。研究結果發現:(1)在主題討論版呈現的互動方面,學員的互動模式較傾向學習者對學習內容(主題)的互動,而與同儕以及輔導教師間的互動略嫌不足與消極;(2)在輔導教師鷹架輔助策略的運用方面,輔導教師較偏向使用社會支持層面的鷹架,高層次反思技巧的提問有待加強;(3)在輔導教師鷹架輔助學習的整體表現方面,學員雖肯定輔導者社會性支持策略的效用,但亦期望能有深層的反思引導技巧與策略的運用。
關鍵字: 網路專業成長;鷹架輔助;互動品質;電子導師;

A Study of Scaffolding and Interactivity in Web-based Professional Development

Abstract: This study analyzed the effects of electronic mentors’ scaffolding and the interactive quality of preservice/inservice mathematics teaching at a Web-based professional development workshop. Content analysis and surveys were used to investigate the interactive patterns of computer-mediated communication, including moderated discussion, to promote professional growth in this Web-based forum. Three experienced primary school teachers functioned as electronic mentors as moderated an electronic teaching forum and provided scaffolding for pedagogical ideas. The study found that while teachers recognized the need for greater professional interaction, their participation tended towards a learner-content mode of interaction. They did not engage in deep interactions with their peers and mentor assistants. The findings also revealed that crucial structure and scaffolding is needed before teachers will discuss math-specific pedagogical issues in a Web-based forum. Assistants focused more on social and organizational functions, whereas theoretical issues were emphasized less. While the teachers perceived the moderated forums on social and organizational strategies as helpful, they would have liked more dialogue prompts and intelligent moderating strategies to guide their reflective thinking. The paper concludes with some recommendations for the future design of technology in professional learning.
Keywords: Web-based Professional Development;Scaffolding;Interactive Quality;Electronic Mentor;

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