
頁: 73-107
日期: 2003/01
摘要: 本論文引用交易成本對實體世界中企業組織存在原因的解釋,擴充至闡釋網路上組織存在的原因,來自於其能降低網路商業活動所發生的交易成本。降低交易成本之策略很多,也各有不同的理論支持,在此,本研究擷取制度理論的觀點,提出廠商可在網路上創造一網際網路組構場域,以降低在此場域內交易雙方所發生的交易成本。在實證上,本研究舉台積電與趨勢科技二家公司為例,說明他們如何能在以網際網路為主所建構之商業活動中,創造各自特殊之網際網路組構場域,以降低因受限理性、投機主義、環境不確定性與複雜性、資產特殊性所引起的交易成本。
關鍵字: 組構場域;交易成本;網際網路;台積電;趨勢科技;

Internet, Transaction Cost, and Organizational Field: The Case Study of TSMC and Trend Micro

Abstract: Based on transaction cost theory, this paper provides the rationale for why firms exist in cyberspace-that is, virtual firms exist because they can reduce transaction costs in internet-based industrial activities. Accounts of firms' e-strategies differ widely. Here, we draw on institutional theory to propose that, to compete successfully in cyberspace, firms may create an internet-based organizational field, capable of reducing transaction costs caused by bounded rationality, opportunism, market uncertainty and complexity, and asset specificity. A comparative case study of TSMC and Trend Micro is employed to illustrate our argument.
Keywords: Organizational field;Transaction cost;Internet;TSMC;Trend Micro;

瀏覽次數: 6050     下載次數: 75

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