
頁: 1-17
日期: 2002/02
摘要: 資訊時代的主要課題將由硬體產品,轉向軟體產品,進一步推想,未來的課題將以資訊的商品化為核心。本文的主要的議題以資訊的商品化為核心,並將資訊商品分為傳統所謂以內容為主的,例如音樂、電影、新聞、軟體等的內容型資訊商品,以及輔助決策用,交易時產生的,決策型資訊商品二種。主要的論點在於提出一個觀念,亦即在網路時代下,四處竄流的資訊有其成為商品的價值。而這個由交易或溝通協調的資訊所衍生的決策型資訊商品,由於其目的乃是滿足消費者的決策需求,與傳統提供內容為主的內容型資訊商品(如音樂,新聞、軟體等),以服務娛樂或特定作業的需求,在本質上有所差異,現有的許多文獻並沒有從這個觀點出發,也就不能順利的被沿用。同時,本文也從資訊成為商品後所可能發生的現象,逐一說明,並探討在幾個方面所湧現的課題。這些方面含括:資訊商品的產出、資訊商品價格的再議、資訊商品的交易、資訊商品於行銷資訊系統的課題、資訊產品的包裝、消費者的角色、資訊仲介的再起、以及資訊政策的研究。
關鍵字: 資訊商品;內容型資訊商品;決策型資訊商品;

Information as Goods: New Definitions and New Perspectives

Abstract: The development of internet has popularized issues related to information. This paper focuses on one aspect of such issues. That is, treating information as goods. ”Information Goods” has carried its traditional definition of goods that are costly in first production and almost zero cost in reproduction. Traditionally, information goods refer to such things as music, movie, news, and software. We expand this definition and categorize information goods into two kinds: content-based information goods and decision-based information goods. Decision-based information goods are produced when transactions or communications occur, including sales information, customer profiles, or business operational information. Information goods along this line of definition have been neglected since they are usually scattering around or securely hidden. We observe this phenomenon and identify issues that related to both kinds of information goods. Several research topics emerged from this line of observation are discussed. They range from production of information goods, pricing, markets for information goods, to the reintermediation of information goods, and information policy.
Keywords: Information goods;Content-based information goods;Decision-based information goods;

瀏覽次數: 8781     下載次數: 78

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