
頁: 121-133
日期: 2002/01
摘要: 利用網際網路進行遠距教學的風氣日益興盛,且日益受到國內外教育單位的重視與推廣,網路學習蔚為未來學習的一大趨勢,因此關於網路學習成效與網路學習行為的議題,遂成了各方關注的焦點。本研究欲藉由瞭解網路大學某課程中系統所記錄的資料及期末學員心得,採質與量結合的方法,分析網路學習者的學習行為類型並探討網路學習行為對學習成效的影響。研究結果發現在網路學習行為上,學員在學習行為的類型有「連續學習型」與「間斷學習型」以及「網路積極主動型」與「網路消極沈默型」;在互動類型上可分「積極互動型」與「不互動型」以及「純問型」、「純答型」、「不問不答型」及「既問且答型」;而在學習成效上發現網路的學習成效良好,而學習行為與學期成績有密切關連,即參與各項學習活動程度越高,其得到的學期成績也越高。
關鍵字: 網路教學;網路學習;學習行為;學習成效;遠距教學;

Analysis of Learning Behavior and Learning Performance in WBI

Abstract: Using the Internet to conduct web-based teaching is getting more and more popular, it draws attention and promotion by many international and domestic educational institutions; e-learning becomes the major trend of future learning. The issue concerning the relationship between online learning behavior and learning performance is a focal point among the researches. This paper analyzes the data recorded by system log and learners' comments from a course conducted in a cyber university with an enrollment of 74 students. By adopting both qualitative and quantitative analysis, we have explored learners' learning behavior type and online learning behavior in relation to learning performance. From the learning behavior model perspective, the results show that learners have four different kinds of learning characteristics, persistent learning type, non-persistent learning type, aggressive active learning type and reluctant silent learning type. From the interaction (online activities) point of view, the learners can be divided into aggressive interaction type, non-active interaction type, merely asking type and merely answering type. The research results also show the online course has achieved a promising good learning performance and online learning behavior and activities do have a strong relationship with learning performance. That is, the higher the learners participate in the online learning activities the higher scores they get.
Keywords: web-based instruction;web-based learning;learning behavior;learning performance;distance education;

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