
頁: 291-310
日期: 2020/07
摘要: 遊戲化-遊戲元素在網路購物環境中的使用正引起研究者和實踐者的興趣。不過,在購物平臺上,遊戲化如何影響及提高消費者購物行為仍不清楚,這主要是由於缺乏一個理論框架。為了縮小這一理論空白,本研究建立了一個理論模型,利用認知評估理論來解釋遊戲化元素對消費者購物行為的影響,並從使用一個小遊戲的322位網購購物消費者進行了資料收集,對其在遊戲後的購物行為進行了測試。結果表明,遊戲化通過遊戲獎勵性、遊戲享受和自主性產生了的享受感,最終影響消費者的網路購物行為。結果表明,遊戲化應該不僅僅可以提供樂趣,還應該產生多樣的遊戲動力,如獎勵、著迷和自主性,以幫助人們滿足他們的心理需求,影響實際網路購物行為。這項研究有助於更細緻地分析網購購物平臺引進遊戲化的成功因素。
關鍵字: 網路消費;遊戲化;認知評估理論;遊戲動力學;遊戲元素;用戶參與;

Enhancing Consumer Online Shopping Behavior through Gamification

Abstract: Purpose-With a boom in mobile applications and social media, competition in the online shopping market is becoming fierce, and many business organizations are working to affect consumer shopping behavior. This study aims to build a theoretical model that uses cognitive evaluation theory to explain the impact of gamification elements on the consumer shopping behavior. Design/methodology/approach - We adopted the questionnaire method. We collected 322 questionnaires from Taobao users, they were all the consumers in November 2019, and all of them played the Stackopolis game to ensure the reliability of the subjects in filling out the variable items. We studied the psychological changes of these consumers after they played the game, and whether the game has a positive effect on their shopping behaviors. Findings-This study shows that gamification can increase consumer online shopping behavior when game dynamics meets the psychological needs of consumers. We found that rewards, autonomy, and absorption can enhance consumer enjoyment, and such enjoyment promotes shopping behavior. Research limitations/implications-Our study helps to better understand the impact of gamification on consumer online shopping behavior. The results of this study show that the combination of the gamification elements meets the basic psychological needs of individuals, which is the key to enhancing the enjoyment, and moreover, the degree of enjoyment is the main determinant of consumer' online shopping behavior. Also, we suggest the subsequent research to expand the applicability of this study to the people who are not sensitive to gamification. Practical implications-This study contributes to the practice in the following aspects. In the first place, this study enlightens system designers and administrators who are trying to influence consumer shopping behavior through gamification. Secondly, by this kind of research, practitioners or designerscan provide consumers with a higher level of enjoyment, thereby establishing a closer relation with consumers. Finally, a well-designed sales environment may have an emotional impact on consumers and increase the possibility of buying. Originality/value-How gamification affects and improves consumer shopping behavior remains unclear. The main reason is the lack of a theoretical framework. To narrow this theoretical gap, a theoretical model was built in this study. This model uses cognitive evaluation theory to explain the impact of gamification elements on the consumer shopping behavior. The model contributes to the commercial application of gamification, and provides relevant guidance for online shopping platforms in developing game designs and social cues and for the future research in this new field.
Keywords: online shopping;gamification;cognitive evaluation theory;game element;user engagement;

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