
頁: 219-251
日期: 2013/04
摘要: 由於過去數十年來,探討科技服務或產品採用與否的相關研究已經很多,因此,本研究嘗試探討影響消費者從某一個科技服務或產品轉換到另一個科技服務或產品的因素。奠基於理性行為理論主張:消費者的行為是可以被解釋、預測的,因此本研究利用計畫行為理論、二個經濟效應與相對比較的概念,去建構研究架構,並用此研究架構去探討、可能影響消費者從某一個科技服務或產品轉換到另一個科技服務或產品的原因。由於網路銀行與行動銀行同時具備科技服務與網站服務的特性,本研究的發現,或許也可應用到其他彼此之間,互相有競爭性、替代性的科技服務或網站服務的案例中,比如:軟體平台、瀏覽器。此外,本研究也可以擴展目前以理性行為為理論基礎的研究,從集中於探討:單一科技服務或產品的採用與否,擴展到去探討互相有競爭性、替代性的科技服務或產品彼此之間的採用轉換。
關鍵字: 科技服務;行動銀行;網路銀行;計畫行為理論;


Abstract: Given that the adoption of a single technological service or product, which has been investigated comprehensively in recent decades, this study attempts to explore what influences people to transfer (or not transfer) from one technological service or product to another. Because relevant literature suggests that individual behavior can be traced, predicted, and explained by the theories of social psychology, this study employed the relative comparative concept and the theory of planned behavior with two economic effects to develop a research structure investigating what influences people to transfer from one technological service to another. Online and mobile banking were chosen as an illustrative example. Since they pertain to both technology-enabled services and web-based services, the findings in this study may also be applicable to the transition or selection between competing alternatives such as software platforms, Web browsers, and mobile messaging apps. The study may advance current theoretical basis about investigating determinants of influencing consumers to transfer from one technological service or product to another.
Keywords: Technological services;mobile banking;online banking;theory of planned behavior;

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