
頁: 249-274
日期: 2012/04
摘要: 本研究主要是針對使用者如何持續使用Web 2.0來傳遞與分享知識的動機、認知為研究主題。Web 2.0是利用Web為平台,由使用者主導來創造、協同合作、分享各種資訊與內容的一個分散式網路現象。Web 2.0其主要的網站類型包括維基(Wiki)、部落格(Blog)、RSS(Really Simple Syndication)與社會網路(SocialNetwork)等。這些網站知識都是由社會使用者自己來創造、提供、分享、更新與編輯,透過Web 2.0的方式,達到集思廣益、交流綜效的網路效應。Web 2.0工具是目前社會使用者最普及的知識分享工具,與一般傳統的媒體與教育有完全不同的知識傳遞特性,本研究藉由價值接受模式(Value-based Adoption Model)內的認知價值、計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior)內的主觀規範、社會認知理論(Social Cognitive Theory)內的自我效能與創新擴散理論(Innovation Diffusion Theory)內的相容性,發展出影響社會使用者利用Web 2.0工具來分享科學知識的研究模式,透過實證調查的方式,有效分析169份回收資料發現使用者認知Web 2.0利益(Wiki、Blog、RSS、Social Network等利益)、主觀規範、使用者自我效能(知識分享與網際網路使用自我效能)皆會正向影響使用者持續使用Web 2.0來分享與傳遞知識。此外研究結果也發現使用者的相容性會調節使用者認知Web 2.0利益對使用者持續使用Web 2.0來分享與傳遞知識的影響。
關鍵字: Web 2.0;價值接受模式;計畫行為理論;社會認知理論;創新擴散理論;

Understanding the Intention to Continue Using Web 2.0 to Transfer and Share Knowledge

Abstract: Web 2.0, including Wiki, Blog, RSS, and social network, allows distributed users to create knowledge, collaborate with each other, and sharing knowledge. Past studies have examined people's initial intention to use to platform to transfer knowledge. However, as this technology getting mature, there is a need to explore users' perception toward this media and their continuance of using this platform. Addressing on this issue, this study focuses on understanding the intention to continue using Web 2.0 to share knowledge. Based on value-based adoption model, theory of planned behavior, social cognitive theory, and innovation diffusion theory, we proposed an integrated model to understand the intention to continue use Web 2.0 as a knowledge transforming platform. Furthermore, since Web 2.0 is different from traditional knowledge transferring media, we also attempt to understand the role of compatibility in continuing using decision. After collecting data from 169 Web 2.0 users, we found that perceived benefit, subject norm, and self-efficacy have positive impact on continue use intention. In addition, compatibility moderates the relationship between perceived benefit and intention. Lastly, discussions and implications are provided.
Keywords: Web 2.0;Value-based Adoption Model;Theory of Planned Behavior;Social Cognitive Theory;Innovation Diffusion Theory;

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