
頁: 1-24
日期: 2011/07
摘要: 由於網路及資訊科技進步,導致企業組織日常運作多已採用資訊系統輔助營運作業。在推動電子商務時,因各企業或消費者位於不同地點,彼此須隨時經由網路溝通,然而經由網路傳輸資訊,容易被入侵者從中擷取或意圖干擾,因此對網路傳遞的訊息需加保護,以免遭受損失,故安全的網路環境是電子商務之基礎。本研究提出一個改良的可偵測原始文件被偽造、冒用、竄改時,具應變能力的ElGamal-like數位簽章協定,引入公正第三者仲裁傳送者與接收者間糾紛,另外本協定具雙重防線抵禦能力,若發現惡意者在入侵第一道防線時,即能適時查覺,並舉證交由公正第三者仲裁糾紛,且本協定執行效率佳,耗費成本低,得以維護電子商務交易資料在網路傳輸上的安全。
關鍵字: 資訊安全;數位簽章;電子商務;公平交易協定;離散對數;

A Modified ElGamal-like Digital Signature in the Application of Electronic Commerce

Abstract: Recent network and information technology developments have enabled numerous enterprises to conduct routine operations using an e-business model. Because remote customers and businesses communicate over a network, they are vulnerable to invaders eavesdropping or forging messages or data. Therefore, internet security is fundamental to electronic commerce. This paper proposes a modified ElGamal-like digital signature scheme to protect original messages from being forged, counterfeited and interpolated. The scheme introduces a trusted third party that arbitrates disputes between the sender and receiver. Using a double-line of defense, the scheme locates the malicious invasion at the first line, collecting evidence which it transfers to the trusted third party arbitrating the dispute. Therefore, this improved digital signature scheme can manage the threat of forge activity and protect the transfer of e-commerce data over networks, and performs more efficiently than others.
Keywords: Information Security;Digital Signature;Electronic Commerce;Fair Exchange Protocols;Discrete Logarithm;

瀏覽次數: 17695     下載次數: 7544

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