
頁: 1-16
日期: 2011/04
摘要: 點對點技術(peer-to-peer,以下簡稱P2P)體現了一個互連網技術的關鍵概念,網路使用者利用此種網路資源分享模式來交流檔案,已經逐漸成為一種習慣。然而在網路發展行為的過程中發現,檔案品質的良莠不齊和消極分享的搭便車者行為(free-riding),導致網路中可分享的檔案與頻寬資源缺乏,直接形成網絡無以為繼的窘境,逐漸喪失其網絡吸引力。對此,本研究所提出的名聲機制,結合動態存取資源、評價有效以及名聲維護等三種策略,增強使用者交流的意願,提高積極的分享行為,以建立一個公平且良好的資料分享環境。實驗結果顯示,本研究的方法能夠有效辨識使用者的惡意行為,包括品質不良的檔案和不實的評價等,如此可有效降低使用者存取不良資源的比率。其次,動態層級的資源存取方法相較於隨機資源存取和靜態層級資源存取,有較優異的效能表現。
關鍵字: 點對點;搭便車;動態存取資源策略;評價有效策略;名聲維護策略;

A Study on a Reputation Mechanism Based on Dynamic Access Strategies for P2P Content Sharing

Abstract: Peer-to-peer technology presents a realization of the internet and IT network in which it is a usual practice of content sharing over P2P systems. However, file quality unevenness and free-rider problems along with the development of network community result in resource scarcity and the capacity load. People are reluctant to join the community for sluggish supply and over-demand. Due to this, we propose a reputation mechanism that consists of dynamic access strategy, feedback evaluation strategy, and reputation management strategy. Results from the experiment show that the proposed mechanism is effective against malicious behaviors of poor quality files uploaded and incorrect feedbacks given. The discrimination between right and wrong contributes to lower the possibility of false access. Compared to other access strategies, dynamic access strategy is proved a better performance on quality of P2P service.
Keywords: Peer-to-peer;Free-rider;Dynamic access strategy;Feedback validation strategy;Reputation management;

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