
頁: 141-168
日期: 2010/12
摘要: 本研究的目的在瞭解組織研究在不同的哲學基礎下,會衍生出什麼樣的組織學習型式;以及對於不同型式的組織學習觀點,應運用什麼資訊科技來達到組織學習的目的。本研究以本體論、認識論與方法論的三層式架構來闡述組織、組織學習與資訊科技間的關係。本研究透過大量的文獻整理,發現在不同的組織型態下,組織學習的型式與資訊科技的應用是不相同的。本研究結果認為:(1)知識型組織可採用知識管理資訊系統;(2)有機型組織可採用決策支援系統;(3)文化型組織可採用資訊與溝通科技;(4)辯證型組織可採用群體決策支援系統。同時,我們也發現資訊科技在組織學習上的應用仍有許多不足之處,我們建議未來的研究方向可針對這部分多做加強。
關鍵字: 本體論;認識論;方法論;組織學習;資訊科技;


Abstract: The purposes of this study are to understand the modes of organizational learning derived from organizational studies under different philosophical foundations, and what kinds of the information technology to be applied to the different types of organizational learning in order to achieve the learning objectives. Based on the above, a three-tier framework of ontology, epistemology, and methodology is used to demonstrate the relationships among organizations, organizational learning, and information technology. After examining the related literatures, we have argued that different types of organizations are characterized by different modes of organizational learning; the corresponding applications of information technology are also dissimilar. The research results suggest that: (1) knowledge-oriented organizations may adopt knowledge management information systems; (2) organic-oriented organizations may adopt decision support systems; (3) culture-oriented organizations may adopt information and communication technology; and (4) dialectic-oriented organizations may adopt group decision support systems. In addition, it is found that there remains a lack of applications for information technology on organizational learning, and thus, this aspect could be further studied in future research.
Keywords: ontology;epistemology;methodology;organizational learning;information technology;

瀏覽次數: 16425     下載次數: 919

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