
頁: 71-105
日期: 2010/07
摘要: 在資訊發達的商業環境中,企業流程再造(BPR)與IT服務已成為企業在變動的資訊環境中永續經營所不可或缺的功能。IT基礎架構庫(簡為ITIL)即是協助組織建立IT服務品質標準之工具,並可與管理連結,以掌握其與組織目標的脈絡。ITIL的導入是項實務性工作,若只呈現符合ITIL的流程結果,研究價值較低。但若考量到IT部門的一個共同問題,即高人員異動,那麼如何在高人員異動的情況下維持所導入的成果及服務水準,便是一個值得探討的議題。 在其他流程導向資訊模式中,CMMI原是用於協助建立軟體開發的流程標準。有鑒於CMMI中的能力度設計即是用來協助資訊組織維持各流程領域導入後的作為,所呈現所謂的制度化(Institutionalization)深化程度。本研究除了建立資訊服務管理持續改善輔導模式之外,並探索應用CMMI的能力度設計及制度化概念來協助永續維持ITIL實施的成果。本研究以一典型高人員流動的個案實例,來說明研究方法的實施,並驗證其實施成果及分享研究之學習心得。
關鍵字: BPR企業流程再造;ITIL;CMMI;制度化Institutionalization;

Appling ITIL and CMMI for Improving and Sustaining Organization's IT Service Processes

Abstract: In today's changing environments, how to provide and sustain IT services remains a critical issue to an IT organization. In this regard, IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a commonly used reference model that guides IT organizations in establishing and providing quality IT services. The implementation of ITIL is a practical work, yet how to sustain the implementation results is indeed a research issue, particularly in the changing environment where relocation and fluctuation of organization's IT personnel are highly dynamic. Among other process oriented IT reference models, Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is originally used in helping organizations establish and deploy software development practices. Recognizing the institutionalization concepts in CMMI for organizations to sustain established practices, this paper applies these concepts into ITIL implementation and proposes an ITIL implementation model. Specifically, the institutionalization concepts and the related capability design are incorporated into the proposed model to help continually improving and sustaining the ITIL implementation. To demonstrate and validate the model, a real organizational case with a typical highly changing staff environment situation is presented. In this study, we walk through the case in which the proposed model is applied. Both the user satisfaction and the perceived validity of the proposed model and the application are examined, and in-depth discussions are also provided to share experiences and lessons learned due to this study and the implementation.
Keywords: Business Process Reengineering BPR;ITIL;CMMI;Institutionalization;

瀏覽次數: 12598     下載次數: 335

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