
頁: 1-27
日期: 2010/04
摘要: 提示系統(Notification system)是一種在使用者工作進行中提供額外資訊的系統。以往的研究多強調在客觀層面(例如:介面的呈現方式)上提升績效,但少有研究去探討主觀層面(例如:使用者情緒、偏好)上的提示系統設計。本研究探究導入情緒因素之提示系統是否可有效縮短工作時間與恢復間歇的時間,並藉由問卷來探討在提示系統中有導入情緒因素是否影響使用者的使用經驗。 本研究以不同的情緒操弄與有無提供中斷間歇時間作為研究自變項,因變項為情緒與焦慮狀態之變化、工作績效、恢復間歇時間與使用者經驗調查。研究結果顯示,雖然正向情緒對主要任務的獲勝率、完成速度並無產生影響,但在恢復間歇的時間上卻有明顯的差異:情緒狀態越正面,受測者所需花費的恢復間歇時間就越短。另外恢復間歇的時間長短與有無提供中斷間歇時間有反向關係:提供中斷間歇會明顯縮短受測者花費在恢復間歇上的時間。此結果表示正面情緒可有效幫助使用者回復到主要任務當中,並且間接證實在提示系統環境下,正面情緒可提升工作績效。研究者根據結果提出一些後續研究方向與研究設計建議,以供未來研究者參考。
關鍵字: 提示系統;情緒;認知;中斷;任務轉換;

The Effects of Emotional Factors in Notification Systems on User's Performance

Abstract: Notification system (NS) is a system which provides extra information when users are performing their tasks. In the past, the researches of notification systems mainly emphasize the objective factors (e.g., display types of interface) but rarely the subjective factors (e.g., human emotions, user's preference). This study investigates the effects of emotional factors in notification systems on user's performance (including interrupting effects, lag time and working performance). The lag time means the interruption lag and the resumption lag. The interruption lag is the duration of preparation that the user resumes a task after interruption. The resumption lag is the time between leaving the interrupting events and beginning the primary task. It does not necessarily have the interruption lag when the interruption occurs, but the resumption lag will always exist in switching among tasks (Rogers & Monsell, 1995; Allport & Wylie, 2000). This study explores if the emotional factors in notification systems can effectively shorten the time of working and resumption lag. This study also investigates if there will be a difference about the user's experience in notification systems with or without the emotional manipulation. Significant effects were not found on subject’s score of primary tasks and the speed performing the primary tasks under the positive affect condition, but there was a significant difference in the time of the resumption lag. When the emotional state was more positive, the subjects could resume to the primary tasks faster. In other words, the positive emotions could effectively speed up the recovery to the primary tasks. Besides, under the situation of offering interruption lag, the subjects would spend less time on the resumption lag. These results indicated that emotions had good effects on switching among tasks, and indirectly confirmed that emotions could improve the working performance in notification systems.
Keywords: Notification system;Emotion;Cognition;Interruption;Tasks switching;

瀏覽次數: 10616     下載次數: 554

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