頁: 23-45
日期: 2010/01
摘要: 本研究提出集體創意效能構念,並探討集體創意效能的前置因素,了解專案複雜度對於影響集體效能形成之干擾。此外,為進步一了解集體創意效能的重要性,本研究亦驗證集體創意效能與資訊系統開發績效之間的關係。研究透過98組參加第十三屆全國大專院校資訊服務創新競賽的團隊資料進行研究分析。部分最小平方法(Partial Least Squares, PLS)分析結果顯示資訊系統開發團隊的知識程度、成就動機與知識整合能力正向相關於集體創意效能。專案複雜度負向干擾集體創意效能之形成。此外,研究也驗證集體創意效能與開發資訊系統專案的程序績效與產出績效存在正向關係。但是,集體創意效能與程序創意績效在統計上無顯著關係。
關鍵字: 集體創意效能;資訊系統開發;知識整合能力;成就動機;專案複雜度;
Abstract: This study proposes a new construct-collective creative efficacy, and a model incorporating team knowledge, achievement motivation, knowledge integration ability and a moderator of project complexity to describe the factors influencing collective creative efficacy. For interpreting the importance of collective creative efficacy, this study also tested the relationships between collective creative efficacy and project performance. Ninety-eight information systems development projects were surveyed. Results indicated team knowledge, achievement motivation and knowledge integration ability were positively related to collective creative efficacy. Project complexity negatively moderated the relationships between team knowledge and collective creative efficacy, and the relationships between knowledge integration ability and collective creative efficacy. Collective creative efficacy was positively related to process performance and product performance. However, collective creative efficacy did not significantly influence process creativity.
Keywords: Collective Creative Efficacy;Information Systems Development;Knowledge Integration Ability;Achievement motivation;Project Complexity;
瀏覽次數: 25393 下載次數: 321
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 23-45
日期: 2010/01
摘要: 本研究提出集體創意效能構念,並探討集體創意效能的前置因素,了解專案複雜度對於影響集體效能形成之干擾。此外,為進步一了解集體創意效能的重要性,本研究亦驗證集體創意效能與資訊系統開發績效之間的關係。研究透過98組參加第十三屆全國大專院校資訊服務創新競賽的團隊資料進行研究分析。部分最小平方法(Partial Least Squares, PLS)分析結果顯示資訊系統開發團隊的知識程度、成就動機與知識整合能力正向相關於集體創意效能。專案複雜度負向干擾集體創意效能之形成。此外,研究也驗證集體創意效能與開發資訊系統專案的程序績效與產出績效存在正向關係。但是,集體創意效能與程序創意績效在統計上無顯著關係。
關鍵字: 集體創意效能;資訊系統開發;知識整合能力;成就動機;專案複雜度;
Factoring Influencing Collective Creative Efficacy of MIS Students' Information System Projects
Abstract: This study proposes a new construct-collective creative efficacy, and a model incorporating team knowledge, achievement motivation, knowledge integration ability and a moderator of project complexity to describe the factors influencing collective creative efficacy. For interpreting the importance of collective creative efficacy, this study also tested the relationships between collective creative efficacy and project performance. Ninety-eight information systems development projects were surveyed. Results indicated team knowledge, achievement motivation and knowledge integration ability were positively related to collective creative efficacy. Project complexity negatively moderated the relationships between team knowledge and collective creative efficacy, and the relationships between knowledge integration ability and collective creative efficacy. Collective creative efficacy was positively related to process performance and product performance. However, collective creative efficacy did not significantly influence process creativity.
Keywords: Collective Creative Efficacy;Information Systems Development;Knowledge Integration Ability;Achievement motivation;Project Complexity;
瀏覽次數: 25393 下載次數: 321
引用 導入Endnote