
頁: 135-162
日期: 2009/01
摘要: 科技中介學習(technology mediated learning, TML)研究強調合作學習的重要性,但目前研究對於科技平台上的合作學習是否能夠提昇學習的效果,卻沒有一致的結論。Alavi and Leidner(2001)呼籲,科技中介學習不能只著重於資訊科技與教學策略的探討,更該考量學習者的心理學習過程,方能釐清學習成效的議題。本研究以社會認知理論延申Alavi and Leidner(2001)的想法,探討在科技中介合作學習的環境中,資訊科技與教學策略如何透過學習者的心理學習因素的影響,再進而影響學習成效。本研究發現學習者的個人認知因素於預測學習績效上扮演重要的中介因子。其中,自我效能是預測學習績效的主要內在因素,除了直接影響學習績效外,自我效能也會透過結果預期與目標認同而間接影響學習績效。然而,本研究亦發現,合作學習的學習者並非一開始就有較高的自我效能、目標認同與結果預期。反而,隨著學習經驗的累積,合作學習者方能顯著地提昇其自我效能、目標認同與結果預期,而產生較高的學習成績與滿意度。亦即,合作學習可提昇成效的效應,往往非立竿見影。此項發現或許可以為目前研究結論的分歧,提供一個滿意解答。
關鍵字: 科技中介合作學習;社會認知理論;自我效能;結果預期;目標認同;

Improving Technology-mediated Learning Effectiveness: An Investigation of Psychological Learning Process and Collaborative Learning Performance

Abstract: Research on technology-mediated learning (TML) emphasizes benefit of collaborative learning. However, research findings on whether TML collaborative learning could improve the learning effectiveness are inconsistent. To have a better understanding of TML learning outcome, it needs an integrated consideration about how the technology and the instructional strategy could trigger the learner's psychological learning processes and then could result in the particular learning outcome (Alavi and Leidner 2001). This study extends the psychological learning process of Alavi and Leidner's framework by social cognitive theory, which is concerned learning as the reciprocal influences among environment, person's internal factors and learning outcomes. Our findings show that the psychological learning process mediates the effect of collaborative learning outcome. Specifically, self-efficacy is the most important mediator. In addition, TML collaborative learning can improve learner's self-efficacy, outcome expectation and goal commitment to bring about a better learning outcome. This effect is not produced immediately. Instead, it is achieved as the learners continuously participate in the on-going learning activities. This finding has provided a satisfactory explanation for the inconsistent conclusions suggested by current literature.
Keywords: technology mediated learning;collaborative learning;social cognitive theory;self-efficacy;

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