
頁: 227-250
日期: 2008/07
摘要: 網際網路是現今消費者與商家間溝通的重要媒介,越來越多的消費者希望在決定是否購買產品前,先在網站上作消費前的資訊搜尋;然而多數的研究結果顯示,消費者對於商業網站的評價與接受度是非常低的,消費者的不滿來自於網站功能的不足或是難以找到所需資訊。因此本研究試圖提出網站接受度模型,以探究消費者對於使用網站來做消費前資訊搜尋的接受度。網站接受度模型是以科技接受模型與科技適配理論為理論基礎,主要提出以商品種類(例如:搜尋性商品或經驗性商品)做為此模型的調節變數,此外並結合成本效益架構來進一步解釋消費者在進行消費前資訊搜尋的行為。本研究採取實證研究法,總共回收254份有效問卷;分析結果支持本研究所提出的網站接受度模型,並且顯示商品種類為影響消費者做消費前資訊搜尋之非常重要的調節變數。
關鍵字: 科技接受度模型;科技適配理論;經驗性商品;搜尋性商品;消費前之資訊搜尋;


Abstract: The Internet has been recognized as a critical communication tool between business and consumers. More and more consumers prefer to seek product related information on the web before making purchase decisions. However, much prior research indicates that commercial websites still suffer from low consumer acceptance rates. Consumers are either dissatisfied with the website functionalities or experience difficulty in locating needed information. We therefore propose to use the Website Acceptance Model (WAM) to account for consumers' acceptance of websites for pre-purchase information seeking. The WAM is based on theoretical concepts from the extended technology acceptance model (TAM) and incorporates concepts of task-technology fit (TTF) and the cost-benefit framework of pre-purchase information seeking. Specifically, we propose that product categorization (i.e. search goods vs. experience goods) serves as the contingency factor for the causal relationship between the constructs in WAM. The survey was conducted on 254 valid respondents. Results strongly support the base model of WAM and exhibit that product categorization is a critical contingency factor that has a significant impact on consumers' intention to use a website for pre-purchase information seeking.
Keywords: Technology acceptance model;task-technology fit;experience goods;search goods;pre-purchase information seeking;

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