
頁: 127-148
日期: 2008/04
摘要: 首機網路公司的主要業務是經營一家手機資訊與社群網站-手機王(sogi.com)。自創立起,雖然歷經2000年的網路泡沫化,但是卻仍然能夠維持成長與高獲利。但是在2006年,由於國內手機銷售減緩,影響手機王的營收,首機公司開始在年中之後進行行銷策略的調整,到了2007年八月,新的作法雖然獲得了預期的成效,但是另一方面也創造了許多新的困擾,令人不禁質疑這樣的調整是不是真的值得。 本個案是特別針對高年級的大學部管理學院學生所撰寫,主要的目的是讓他們能夠客觀地從個案角色的觀點體認到企業經營的實際情境。培養他們能夠綜覽全局、系統性思考的能力。因為它的教學目標,所以這個個案在設計上故意涉及到非常廣泛而彼此糾結的各種管理議題,換句話說,它「有一浬寬,卻只有一吋深」。相關的管理議題可以包括「商業模式」、「顧客關係」、「財務」、「網站經營」甚至「組織行為」等等。個案教授的老師可以視本身學生的特性,在實際授課時選擇適當的議題作切入。
關鍵字: 網站經營;商業模式;手機;

Sogi.com.tw: Case in Internet Marketing and Customer Relationship

Abstract: Sogi.com was founded as a portal website for information and community interaction on cell phones users. Sogi has been able to maintain growth and high profitability even in the post-2000 dot-com bubble burst. However, starting from 2006, the cell phone sale in Taiwan has slowed down and Sogi's revenue is significantly affected. The strategic change in marketing from mid 2006 reflected this predicament. By August of 2007, although the new strategies had received expected effects, they had also caused new problems to the extent that the worthiness of the adjustments became in doubt. This case study is written for the junior and senior undergraduate students in college of management. The major purpose is for students to experience the realistic scenarios in business management from the viewpoint of the roles in the case. Further, the case will cultivate the abilities to oversee the whole situation and think systematically. Because of the broad instructional goals, the case study is designed to involved wide and intertwined management issues. In other words, it's ”one mile wide, and one inch deep.”The related management issues may include business model, customer relationship, financial management, website management, and organizational behavior, etc. The case instructor may see the characteristics of the students and choose proper issues in practical.
Keywords: Website management;business model;cell phones;

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