
頁: 1-20
日期: 2008/04
摘要: 台灣工具機產業集中於中部地區,長期以來獨步全球的最大特色,便是由工具機母廠與眾多中小企業協力廠商群聚在一起,所建構出的完整中衛體系,每個中衛體系像是一個互利共生的商業生態體系,競爭不再是個別企業間的捉對廝殺,而是生態體系之間的對抗。本文介紹台灣工具機大廠-台中精機,其建構一個以自身為中心的中衛體系,與四百多家協力廠形成-商業生態體系,台中精機扮演楔石型企業,支撐並維護整個網絡內企業的連結。商業生態體系中,個別企業的成功往往需要依賴其他相互依存的企業來促成,個別企業的體質與整個體系的健全與績效緊緊相繫,體質再優良的個別企業亦無法擺脫整個體系對自身的影響,兩者的命運休戚與共。身為楔石型企業,台中精機對所屬的商業生態體系的整體績效有很大的影響,為確保本身的生存與榮景,同時鞏固自己的地位,台中精機必須不斷為提升體系的整體生產力及健全體質而努力。以台中精機為軸心的中衛體系,在1998年開始進行之一連串生產製程與發包作業合理化與供應鏈流程整合,包括免檢制度、台份化、單體化、JIT供料等,將較具標準及有穩定需求之物料整合成模組化物料委由合適之廠商處理,輔導其管理、製程能力,由其整合其他衛星廠商之作業。如此一來,身為中心母廠的台中精機可以專注在核心製程上、簡化中心廠的生產流程、減少內部管理項目及單據,亦縮短生產前置期,衛星廠之經濟規模也跟著提昇。2003年台中精機接著實施B2B電子化,將生產計畫、採購訂單、生產進度、備料時程、相關庫存等訊息,藉由資訊系統及網路的快速透通,相互傳遞於中衛體系的中心廠與協力廠之間以降低各項經營成本及庫存、提昇原物料的達交率、縮短前置期。台中精機為其所處的生態體系所創造實體平台與知識平台,提供體系內的其他成員解決方案,為自身及體系中的夥伴創造價值。
關鍵字: 中衛體系;生態體系;楔石型企業;企業電子化;機械業;

Victor Taichung Machinery: Business Ecosystem and the Keystone

Abstract: Victor Taichung Machinery Works Co., Ltd., located at the central part of Taiwan, is one of the large machine tool builders in Taiwan. The main products of Victor Taichung are CNC lathes and machining centers. To ensure product quality and production efficient, Victor Taichung has invested considerably in setting up a business network with more than 400 close connected suppliers and partners. Rather than work in a competitive way, Victor Taichung and her connected suppliers and partners cooperated in an interdependent and mutual symbiotic way. The closed relationship among Victor Taichung and its connected firms forms a business network which is seen as a business ecosystem. Like a biological ecosystem, members in the business ecosystem depending on Victor Taichung and other firms' ability and resource for their own success. Victor Taichung is a keystone in the business ecosystem given that she plays a crucial role in the health and robustness of the whole business ecosystem. Further, Victor Taichung significantly affects and been affected by the ecosystem her belonged. In order to shorten lead time, simplify production process, and reduce inventory, Victor Taichung investments resource to reengineer the whole supply chain process and build a B2B platform to increase information visibility. Victor Taichung changes its production process to increase production efficiency by outsourcing assembly tasks to its suppliers. These changes include 'JIT,' 'non-check process,' 'union parts,' and 'simplex portion.' The efforts Victor Taichung made help her partners grow and strong, which in turn feedback to the health and robustness of the whole ecosystem as well as Victor Taichung.
Keywords: Network;business ecosystem;keystone;B2B;machinery industry;

瀏覽次數: 22721     下載次數: 196

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