
頁: 179-202
日期: 2008/01
摘要: 本研究主要是探討群體支援系統的環境中,群體成員鄰近度與任務型態對群體決策的影響。採用實驗室研究的方式進行,以二因子完全隨機設計。自變數為「鄰近度」與「任務型態」,以三人為一組的小群體進行三十二組實驗,實驗環境中鄰近度分為集中式與分散式兩種環境,任務型態則為選擇型的「個人信託基金分配」和智力型的「謀殺案資訊分享任務」。實驗所採用的群體支援系統為自行開發,並於分散式的環境中使用視訊會議系統來模擬面對面的環境。應變數之評估則包括:決策時間、決策過程滿意度、認知決策品質、方案產生數、以及決策結果滿意度。研究結果發現在分散式的環境中,偏好型任務比智力型任務有較佳的效果;在相同的任務下,群體鄰近度對群體決策並沒有顯著的差異。
關鍵字: 分散式群體支援系統;群體決策;群體鄰近度;任務型態;

The Effects of Proximity and Task Types on Group Decision Making in a GSS Environment

Abstract: The purposes of this study are to investigate the effects between proximity and task types on GSS. A 2x2 factorial design was used in this study and a series of experimental sessions were conducted. A total of thirty-two groups participated in the experiment. There are two different proximity environments (face-to-face and dispersed) and task types (intellectual and preference). In a dispersed environment, a video system was added to help the decision maker to react as if they were in a face-to-face environment. The dependent variables are decision time, decision process satisfaction, perceived decision quality, number of alternatives, and final satisfaction. The results indicated that: (1) In a dispersed environment, preference task have better effects on all of the variables than intellectual task decisions (2) Within the same task type, proximity had no significant effect on group decision making.
Keywords: Distributed group support systems;group decision making;proximity;task types;

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