
頁: 105-134
日期: 2007/10
摘要: 資訊安全問題在近年來備受重視,許多以「資訊安全」為主題的研究,但多數是探討技術或管理之議題,缺乏行銷或是廣告之相關研究,於是產生本研究之動機。本研究以內容分析法分析十年(1994~2003)間,資訊安全廣告的趨勢及內容的特質,在縱向(時間趨勢)與橫向(廣告表現模式)兩方面的變化與表現。以國內兩大資訊雜誌(PC Home電腦家庭,與網路通訊),十年中刊登之資訊安全廣告共424則為分析樣本,以時間、資安市場基本資料、廣告要素、廣告訴求及品牌形象等五項類目設計編碼表,由兩位編碼人員分別進行編碼之工作。 研究結果大致可分成時間趨勢之演進與廣告表現兩個方面。(一)從「時間趨勢」之演進來看:(1)資安廣告在過去十年皆以「實體產品」為主要行銷目的;(2)廣告訴求由「功能導向」轉為「情感導向」。(二)「廣告表現」的面向,本研究發現:(1)資安廣告最重視「安全感」的表達;(2)使用大量的圖像,籍由圖像的隱喻傳達安全感的正面表象或反面的恐嚇訴求。本研究提供資訊安全在廣告方面的初探性實驗結果,並且也提供業界針對時間與市場對於資安廣告的關係。
關鍵字: 資訊安全廣告;廣告;內容分析法;

A Content Analysis Research for the Information Security Advertisement

Abstract: Information security has become a great concern nowadays because information technology and internet are embedded in the daily routines of organizations and individuals. This research is to study the advertisement content of the information security products and services published in computer magazines in Taiwan. How the advertisements evolve in the past decade associated with information security market is of interest. We adopt the research method of content analysis. The research sample that contains 424 information security advertisements is drawn from the two most popular computer magazines in Taiwan, PC Home and Network Communication. The time frame is from 1994 to 2003 for totally ten years. The content analysis covers five categories: time, product information, advertisement components, advertisement strategies, and brand images. The research findings contain two aspects: the advertising trends for the past ten years, and the advertising presentation. For the advertising trends, there are mainly two conclusions: (1) the advertisements emphasize more on the product than the service, and (2) the strategy transfers from the ”functional aspect” to the ”feeling aspect.” For the advertising presentation, there are also two conclusions: (1) ”security” is always the core subject, and (2) pictures and photos are frequently shown on the advertisements. There are metaphors to imply the threat by the information security incidents. Finally, this is an exploratory research that adopts the mass communication research method to study an issue of information security that is used to be approached from the aspects of technology or management. By the content analysis, this research provides a new research topic. The suggestion for the further research is to extend the collection of advertising publication forms, such as international magazines or internet, for a broader comparison.
Keywords: Information security advertisement;Advertising;Content analysis;

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