
頁: 209-235
日期: 2007/01
摘要: 全業應用電子化可改善採購交易流程,獲得準確而即時的資訊效率,對通路營運模式更具多元化,進而促使通路商務之跨組織協同合作更為緊密。然而,流通業運用通路權力對協同夥伴合作的關係更顯複雜化,因此供應商應謹慎而適當的運用其通路權力,以創造買賣雙方長期而密切的協同合作關係。準此,本研究以連鎖零售業與供應商之電子化夥伴關係管理,以及通路權力運用與協同商務關係對通路合作績效之關係。研究方法首先訪談三家連鎖全業為個案分析,再對研究雛型與假設作適當的修正,接著進行第二階段的量化研究,以作為研究模式的最後。驗證與確認。經由個案分析後,發現連鎖通路業與供應商應用電子化夥伴關係管理,將會提高彼此的信任、承諾、互動溝通、資訊分享之品質,使雙方能更緊密與持久的合作關係。問卷資料分析中,電子化夥伴關係管理對供應商的非強制權與獎賞權有正向顯著影響;而對強制權有負向影響。當電子化夥伴關係整合度愈高時,會有較佳的協同商務關係與通路合作績效。在通路權力中獎賞權會影響通路合作績效,協同商務關係的信任與互動溝通對於通路合作中的財務績效及關係滿意度皆有正面的影響;這些顯示連鎖業者與供應商之協同商務的信任、互動溝通及資訊分享愈佳,將會提升通路合作績效的滿意度。
關鍵字: 電子化夥伴關係管理;通路權力;協同商務;通路合作;

Effects of e-PRM on Channel Power, Collaborative Commerce Relationship, and Organization Performance of Collaborative Channel

Abstract: Electronic Business (e-Business) changes the nature of business transactions generally by purchase processes, enhancing correct and real time information availability, fostering closer in a retail distribution channel context, changing the relative power of channel members, improving inter-organization operation coordination, and long-term relationships as the basis of sustainable competitive advantage. This paper examines the effects of electronic integration on electronic partner relationship management (e-PRM), channel power, and channel performance on collaborative commerce on channel performance from the point of view of the retailer. A research model based on initial three case organizations and is followed up by an analysis of interview questionnaire survey data. According to case organizations, e-Business enhances information sharing and the quality of communication; increases the level of trust, interaction, and commitment to Information sharing; fosters long-term relationships, and increases profits. The results of analysis of the survey data are: e-PRM has significant positive association with non-coercive and reward power, and significant negative association with coercive power. In addition, the e-PRM has a positive relationship with collaborative commerce and channel performance. Non-coercive and reward power, trust, and interaction have significant association with collaborative commerce. Coercive and reward power have significant associations with channel cooperation performance.
Keywords: e-Partners Relationship Management e-PRM;Channel Power;Collaborative Commerce;Channel Cooperation;

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