
頁: 103-132
日期: 2006/10
摘要: 隨著無線網路基礎建設的日趨成熟與手持設備的普及,促進了行動商務的發展,使得行動網路上所呈現的商品與服務種類日益豐富。然而,受制於行動設備有限資源之行動用戶在運用以商家主導之商業模式,經常需花費大量的資訊蒐集時間與連線成本,此外,繁複的行動交易程序更將降低其參與之意願。本文提出兼具便捷性與安全性之全球化行動消費者主導交易協定,應用條件採購單交易模式於資源珍貴之行動商務環境,減少所需耗費的搜尋與交易成本,並降低對行動設備之輸出入與通訊等資源需求。協定的設計藉由採購條件之提出,賦予行動消費者主導商品樣式與價格之權利,與符合其消費需求的潛在商家進行交易,以提供消費者一個兼具個人化與最高購物效益的交易模式。此外,協定採用具效率之密碼技術,以適應於低運算資源的行動環境下運作,並建立安全與公平之全球化行動交易環境,進而保障買賣雙方之交易權益。
關鍵字: 行動商務;消費者主導;資訊安全;個人化;

A Convenient and Secure Buyer-driven Transaction Protocol over the Mobile Internet

Abstract: Wireless technology is boosting the accessibility of Internet services to mobile users. Having the easy-to-carry mobile devices, mobile users now may conduct transactions anytime and anywhere, but they also suffer from the restrictions like limited computing power, small storage space, poor input/output interfaces, etc. Using such resource-limited devices to search services/products in the traditional seller-driven commercial model is more time-consuming than ever. To reduce the search time and the connection costs of mobile users, this paper presents a secure and convenient buyer-driven commerce model. We adopt and improve the conditional-purchase ordering mechanism, which allows users to specify their unique requirements and filter the intended merchants on public servers. We also provide light-weight security mechanisms for confidential and undeniable transactions without demanding high-end mobile devices. Therefore, both buyers and sellers will benefit from the personalized mobile commerce model.
Keywords: mobile commerce;buyer-driven commerce model;undeniable transactions;personalization;

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