
頁: 1-26
日期: 2006/10
摘要: 創意支援系統(Creativity Support Systems, CSS)透過內建的創造力提昇技術以及合適的使用者介面設計,使得決策者可以快速產生許多的可行方案,並且組織管理這些方案,最後協助決策者找出具有創意的問題解決方案。過去的創意支援系統相關研究,都只是驗證經由創意支援系統的協助,的確可以提昇使用者的創造力。然而,實證的結果有些不一致的現象(例如:Elam and Mead (1987)和Durand and VanHuss (1992));並且,對於創意支援系統如何提昇使用者創造力的問題,也尚未有任何解答。 本研究應用Bandura (1997)的自我效能理論來解釋創意支援系統對於使用者創意提昇的影響。主要的觀點是使用者使用創意支援系統的績效,會受到其電腦自我效能信念變化的影響。我們的實證研究採用實驗室實驗法來進行,受測者為來自中正大學管理學院的學生,透過兩天的實驗來觀察其使用創意支援軟體前後電腦自我效能以及創造力的變化情形。研究結果顯示,受試者使用創意支援系統的績效,深受其電腦自我效能信念的影響;同時,目標設定與行為模仿訓練也會影響使用者的電腦自我效能信念與創造力。我們應用自我效能理論來解釋創意支援系統成效的結果,可以提供後續研究一個基礎。此外對於創意支援系統的設計開發與實際應用,也具有參考價值。
關鍵字: 創造力;創意支援系統;電腦自我效能;自我效能理論;行為模仿;目標設定;

Effectiveness of the Creativity Support Systems: An Empirical Test of the Self-Efficacy Theory

Abstract: Creativity Support System (CSS) is an ad hoc, which deploys techniques to assist users to be more creative. The relationship between the use of CSS and the resulting creating performance had been repeatedly reported and validated. While many studies addressed the use of CSS, and benefit of using CSS, there are few studies examining the causal-benefit model of CSS use. To our knowledge, most of the important pieces of such model are still unknown. This study aims at exploring this issue. This study examines the cognitive behavior of CSS use. A model is proposed by incorporating the self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1997). An experiment was then conducted to test the hypothesis. The results indicate that the computer self-efficacy is significantly correlated to the performance of CSS. Additionally, behavioral modeling and goal setting significantly influence both the variations of users' computer self-efficacy and creativity. Implications from the findings are also provided.
Keywords: Creativity;Computer Self-Efficacy;Self-Efficacy Theory;Creativity Support Systems;Behavioral Modeling;Goal Setting;

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