
頁: 243-277
日期: 2006/04
摘要: 目前研究對於科技能否提昇學習成效的結論相當分歧。這些研究多半主張增加科技功能、改善教學方式或學習心態,來改善學習成效。然而,Alavi and Leidner (2001)指出此種觀點過度簡化學習的議題,並忽略學習為涉及改變個人心智與想法的一種複雜過程。此種心智與想法改變的過程,必需綜合心理層次(即何謂學習、知識的本質)與教學層次(即如何促進學習、教學方式)的指引,方能達成有效學習之目的(Hannafin and Land 1997)。同樣地,Leidner and Jarvenpaa (1995)指出資訊科技的使用必需配合相關的學習理論,方能達到提昇學習成效之目的。然而,她們並未進一步說明學習理論如何影響學習的成效。因此,本研究延申Leidner and Jarvenpaa (1995)的想法,並以一個實際個案來說明學習理論對於學習成效的影響。本研究籍由分析組織成員對於科技與學習所抱持之思維框架,來探索學習成效的議題。研究結果說明線上學習的做法應配合隱含於組織情境中之學習理論,以提昇學習的成效。此外,本研究亦發現組織成員可能因為過度重視科技,而忽略了由於學習理論差異所造成學習議題。
關鍵字: 科技中介學習;學習理論;學習成效;思維框架理論;

An Interpretive Study on e-Learning Effectiveness: Frame Perspective

Abstract: Previous studies concerning technology mediated learning (TML) have stressed the importance of technology features, instructional strategies, and learner motivation as the major means to bring about learning outcome. Yet, the results have failed to show whether TML indeed increases learning effectiveness. Learning is a complex process that involves changes of both the individual's disposition and the environment in which learning takes place. To fill this gap, this study analyzes the TML learning outcome through investigating the organization members' frames of both technology and learning. The analysis is anchored in a synchronous online learning system called TrainNet in a corporate training context. The findings indicate that TML effectiveness depends on if both the learning context and its underlying learning model are reflected in the instruction design. It is also found that the effect of over-estimating the benefit of information technology may lead to the blindness about the incongruence of learning models among the organization members.
Keywords: technology mediated learning;learning model;learning outcome;frame theory;

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