
頁: 81-101
日期: 2005/04
摘要: 近年來,由於資訊科技的蓬勃發展,縮短了時空的差距,提供了更多知識分享的機會。這些虛擬群組的成員是分散在不同區域,藉由網際網路相互溝通、學習、並且完成群組工作,以達到學習的目的,而透過網際網路學習的方式,就是一個很好的例子。網路學習群體不僅一方面提供大量資料的收集與查詢,另一方面,也必須建立成員相互討論的機制。為了瞭解如何建立一個高度互動的學習性虛擬群體,本研究針對虛擬群組發展的過程進行探討。 本研究的樣本是採用網路大學的學習虛擬群組,共25組。研究主要發現是,虛擬群組發展的過程共有三個不同特徵的階段:第一階段的特徵是依賴與逃避、第二個階段是衝突與信任、第三個階段是工作導向。而衝突的發生與解決,對於群組蛻變為成熟、有效率的小組是個關鍵的階段。
關鍵字: 虛擬群組;群組發展;

A Study of Virtual Group Development in e-Learning

Abstract: Recent advances in information technologies provide a unique opportunity for sharing knowledge free from constraints of time and place. One application area is Internet-based learning where members of virtual groups are separated by location, and are challenged by team work that requires collaboration. In this research we investigate the developmental patterns of such groups. Twenty-five groups in a cyber-university participate in the study. Our preliminary findings suggest that development of virtual groups is characterized by three stages: dependency and flight, fight and pair, and work. Furthermore, conflicts are critical for the virtual group to establish a mature negotiation culture.
Keywords: virtual group;group development process;

瀏覽次數: 9751     下載次數: 83

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