頁: 1-28
日期: 2005/01
摘要: 運用網際網路科技進行服務接觸與傳遞服務日漸頻繁,然而,由於缺乏與服務人員面對面接觸,在維繫顧客關係之成效上,尚難定論。本文旨在探討服務e化之重要策略,也就是透過網路自助服務科技服務顧客對於顧客關係管理成效之影響。本研究首先採取顧客之深入訪談設計來探討服務e化環境下之顧客關係利益型態。結果顯示服務e化環境下之主要顧客關係利益為信賴、決策效率、與經濟利益等三種。據此,本文進一步提出理論架構,預測網路自助服務科技之特性與顧客關係利益、顧客忠誠行為之相互關係。應用問卷調查方式,回收412份有效問卷之分析結果顯示,「交易可靠度」與「網站互動」等特性與信心利益具有正面關聯性,「網站互動」與「個人化服務」則與決策效率利益具有正面關聯性,此外,「便利性」與「個人化服務」則分別與經濟利益具有正相關。三項關係利益都顯著地預測顧客忠誠度與滿意度,並且個別地中介一部分網路自助服務科技之特性與顧客忠誠行為之關係。最後,本文針對結果提出討論與管理意涵。
關鍵字: 服務e化;網路自助服務科技;顧客關係利益;關係行銷;
Abstract: The applications of Web related technology in service encounter and service delivery are becoming popular gradually. Internet-based self-service technology has been one major tactic for providing e-service, but its impacts on maintaining customer relationships still remain questionable. The current study aims to explore the customer relational benefits and customer loyalty in the context of Internet-based self-service technology and the role of relational benefits at mediating the relationship between e-service and customer loyalty. The first stage of this study interviewed experienced customers and discovered that confidence benefits, decision efficiency benefits, and economic benefits are the major benefits of maintaining a relationship with service providers in the e-service context. Survey data from 412 valid participants also revealed that site interactivity and reliability were positively correlated with confidence benefits. Site interactivity and personalized service were found to be positively associated with decision efficiency benefits. Also, convenience and personalized services correlated positively with economic benefits. All three types of benefits significantly predicted customer satisfaction and loyalty. The relationships between certain e-service attributes and customer satisfaction and loyalty were partially mediated by each relational benefit. Finally, implications and future research directions based on the findings were discussed.
Keywords: e-service;internet-based self-service technology;customer relational benefits;relationship marketing;
瀏覽次數: 28522 下載次數: 276
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 1-28
日期: 2005/01
摘要: 運用網際網路科技進行服務接觸與傳遞服務日漸頻繁,然而,由於缺乏與服務人員面對面接觸,在維繫顧客關係之成效上,尚難定論。本文旨在探討服務e化之重要策略,也就是透過網路自助服務科技服務顧客對於顧客關係管理成效之影響。本研究首先採取顧客之深入訪談設計來探討服務e化環境下之顧客關係利益型態。結果顯示服務e化環境下之主要顧客關係利益為信賴、決策效率、與經濟利益等三種。據此,本文進一步提出理論架構,預測網路自助服務科技之特性與顧客關係利益、顧客忠誠行為之相互關係。應用問卷調查方式,回收412份有效問卷之分析結果顯示,「交易可靠度」與「網站互動」等特性與信心利益具有正面關聯性,「網站互動」與「個人化服務」則與決策效率利益具有正面關聯性,此外,「便利性」與「個人化服務」則分別與經濟利益具有正相關。三項關係利益都顯著地預測顧客忠誠度與滿意度,並且個別地中介一部分網路自助服務科技之特性與顧客忠誠行為之關係。最後,本文針對結果提出討論與管理意涵。
關鍵字: 服務e化;網路自助服務科技;顧客關係利益;關係行銷;
E-services and Customer Relational Benefits in the Context of Web-Based Self-Service
Abstract: The applications of Web related technology in service encounter and service delivery are becoming popular gradually. Internet-based self-service technology has been one major tactic for providing e-service, but its impacts on maintaining customer relationships still remain questionable. The current study aims to explore the customer relational benefits and customer loyalty in the context of Internet-based self-service technology and the role of relational benefits at mediating the relationship between e-service and customer loyalty. The first stage of this study interviewed experienced customers and discovered that confidence benefits, decision efficiency benefits, and economic benefits are the major benefits of maintaining a relationship with service providers in the e-service context. Survey data from 412 valid participants also revealed that site interactivity and reliability were positively correlated with confidence benefits. Site interactivity and personalized service were found to be positively associated with decision efficiency benefits. Also, convenience and personalized services correlated positively with economic benefits. All three types of benefits significantly predicted customer satisfaction and loyalty. The relationships between certain e-service attributes and customer satisfaction and loyalty were partially mediated by each relational benefit. Finally, implications and future research directions based on the findings were discussed.
Keywords: e-service;internet-based self-service technology;customer relational benefits;relationship marketing;
瀏覽次數: 28522 下載次數: 276
引用 導入Endnote