
頁: 1-28
日期: 2004/10
摘要: 認知適合理論(cognitive fit theory)在1991年被提出來解釋不同的資訊呈現方式與工作任務之間認知適合與否,對於決策過程與績效的影響。後續雖然經過相關文獻與實證研究結果的驗證,然而認知適合理論背後存在一些假設,限制了認知適合理論在現實世界的應用。這些假設包括:(1)所有的人在認知適合的情形都是一樣的;(2)所有的工作任務在認知適合的情形都是適用的;(3)環境因素對於認知適合是沒有影響的;(4)使用者所用的決策支援科技是可以忽略的。認知適合理論的解釋能力受到這些假設相當大的束縛。 從過去研究對於專家與生手間專業知識差異的探討,我們可以發現在決策的過程中,專業知識的差異可說是扮演著一個舉足輕重的角色,不論是其在心智對於問題的詮釋方式或採取解決問題的處理方式上,都可能受到專業知識差異的影響。使用者的專業知識差異對於認知適合理論的影響應當是顯而易見。本研究試圖探討使用者的專業知識差異對於認知適合理論的影響,以擴充認知適合理論的解釋能力。為了瞭解專業知識差異對於認知適合理論的影響,本研究設計採用複雜的多準則工作任務,並以兩組在專業知識上有差異之受測者來進行實驗,觀察不同的資訊呈現與工作型態對於其決策品質與決策時間的影響,以驗證專業知識差異對於認知適合理論的影響。我們的實驗結果證實專業知識的高低確實會影響認知適合的效果。
關鍵字: 認知適合理論;專家;生手;專業知識;實驗研究;

Extending the Cognitive Fit Theory: The Influence of User Expertise

Abstract: Cognitive fit theory (CFT) was developed to explain how graphical displays affect the decision processes and outcomes of decision making. Although it has been validated by its success in explaining numerous prior results (Vessey, 1991) and an empirical study (Vessey and Galletta, 1991) as well, unreasonable assumptions still exist and need to be reexamined. For instance, the CFT assumes that decision makers are homogenous. However, they usually differ in their expertise represented by a specific task. To extend the applicability of the CFT, the study investigates the effect of expertise on the CFT. We conducted an experiment to reexamine the CFT. The subjects were classified into two groups, depending on whether they were experts or novices in the business represented by those tasks. The results show that the effect of expertise on the CFT is statistically significant. Further discussions are also provided as well.
Keywords: Cognitive fit theory;Experts;Novices;Expertise;Experimental research;

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