
頁: 1-32
日期: 2004/07
摘要: 在企業全球化競爭與網路科技發達的e時代,為了達到超越距離、時區和組織界限的合作目標,以虛擬團隊方式來達成任務,已是未來企業組織結構的重要型態。本研究想要瞭解任務導向之虛擬團隊,在團隊的成員互動行為與團隊合作績效間的關係。本研究植基於所謂的象徵互動學派(Symbolic interactionism),亦即透過對社會成員互動中所表現出的象徵(Symbolic)的設釋(例如:語言、信件、文字、表情等),可了解社會變遷的現象,並採取過程研究(Process theory/research)的策略來觀察團體成員互動的過程與週期,而資料分析方法採用Bales所提出觀察團體的多重層次系統(A System for the Multiple Level observation of Groups;SYMLOG),則以語幹為分析單位的內容分析法,來分析九組虛擬團隊的群組討論過程,研究結果發現七個研究命題可以輔助虛擬團隊在規劃團隊發展各階段行為策略時的參考,並作為未來進一步研究虛擬團隊互動行為時的基礎。
關鍵字: 虛擬團隊;觀察團體的多重層次系統;成員互動行為;

SYMLOG: A Comparasion of the Interaction in Virtual Teams

Abstract: The Internet now has transgressed the boundaries of time and space and brought forth a whole new regimentation to the e-generation. Under such circumstances, the collaboration has come to a new style to complete the task via virtual team. In this study, we focus on the virtual team to explore the interaction and performance among team members. Based on the paradigm of symbolic Interactionism contents analysis methodology is used to collect the interaction data from nine virtual teams. SYMLOG (A System for the Multiple Level Observation of Groups) is also used to classify and analize there nine group's interaction patterns. The result indicates, in terms of SYMLOG. The high performance virtual teams have very different interaction patterns from the low performance virtual teams. Finally, seven hypotheses about the virtual team's interaction pattern are proposed.
Keywords: Virtual Team;SYMLOG;Group Behavior;

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