
頁: 73-89
日期: 2002/01
摘要: 中文輸入的瓶頸是推廣資訊應用的障礙之一,如何改善中文輸入方式的效率,一直是使用者界面領域所致力的研究方向之一。本論文主要的目的為探討在制定群體決策時,結合不同輸入方式的群體支援系統對群體活動的影響。採用單因子完全隨機設計,自變數為中文輸入方式(中文手寫、中文語音以及中文鍵盤輸入),衡量效率與效能的指標包含有意見產生數、決策時間、結果滿意度、過程滿意度、認知決策品質、輸入方式滿意度、與平等參與度。本論文選用偏好型任務(個人信託基金分配)與自行開發的群體支援系統進行24組實驗。研究結果顯示,使用中文手寫輸入方式較使用中文語音輸入方式進行群體討論的與會者,產生較佳的績效;使用中文鍵盤輸入方式較使用中文手寫輸入方式的與會者有較佳的績效。
關鍵字: 中文輸入;手寫輸入;語音輸入;鍵盤輸入;群體支援系統;

The Effects of Input Devices on Group Support Systems

Abstract: How to improve Chinese input efficacy is an important issue for promoting IT applications in Taiwan. This experimental study investigates the effects of Chinese input devices on Group Support Systems (GSS). In particular, the effects of pen-based, voice-based, and keyboard-based input devices on GSS were studied. The efficiency and effectiveness of GSS was assessed by decision time, the number of alternatives, satisfaction with the decision-making processes and input devices, decision satisfaction, perceived decision quality, and equality of participation. A total of one hundred and thirty -five students participated in this study. Fifteen out of them were assigned to pilot sessions, the rest of students were assigned to one of the treatments. The results indicated that in general the performance of the groups of GSS with pen-based input devices was significantly better than voice-based input devices; the performance of the groups of GSS with keyboard-based input devices was significantly better than pen-based input devices.
Keywords: Chinese Input;GSS;Pen Input;Voice Input;Keyboard Input;

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