
頁: 43-70
日期: 2000/07
摘要: 現今的物件導向資料庫績效評估存在著許多的缺失。1.針對特定的應用領域,其測試工作量模型並無法代表使用者的需求。2.針對特定的資料模型,主要在衡量資料庫設計之技巧及效能。3.測試資料庫綱目變得複雜,測試運算變得繁多,使用者欲自行建立績效評估十分不容易。為了解決以上的問題,本研究擬使用物件導向系統分析的方法作為使用者建構工作量模型的工具,經過1.工作量需求分析階段。2.工作量規則描述階段。3.績效評估的測試階段。最後發展出一個用以測試物件導向資料庫的績效評估環境。由於測試之資庫綱目與測試運算均是從使用者之需求著手,將使得測試之工作量對使用者而言,更具一致性、代表性與正確性,測試所得之數據與使用者更具相關性。在物件導向資料庫的應用範圍愈來愈廣泛、資料庫之資料量日益龐大的未來,以使用者需求為導向之績效評估方法將來會是未來績效評估之發展方向。
關鍵字: 物件導向資料庫;績效評估;系統分析方法;物件導向技術;

Building a System Analysis Oriented OODBMS Benchmark Workload Model

Abstract: Current object-oriented database benchmarks have the following drawbacks: (1) They are designed for one specific problem domains. The workload models are useless and meaningless the represent user and application domain. (2) They are designed for one specific data model. Their intent is merely to measure the techniques instead of the design of the databases. (3) As the database schemes become more complex and the test operations get more myriad, it is more difficult for users to implement any of the current benchmarks just based on their specifications. In this research, we propose an alternative workload model method in attempt to resolve the aforementioned issues. This method is system analysis method oriented. We model the workload from the perspective of users' requirements. We divide the workload development process into three phases: (1) workload requirements analysis phase (2) workload requirements specification phase and (3) benchmark experiment phase. Since our benchmark database schema and operations are derived from the user requirements, the workload model becomes more consistent, relevant, representative. Hence, the benchmark results are useful and meaningful. As the diversity of the OODBMS application domains grows and the scale of the OODBMS test suite expands, our new method presented in this paper provides a viable resolution to the inadequacy, ir-representative-ness, and in-feasibility of the current benchmark methods.
Keywords: Database Benchmarks;System Analysis Methods;Object-Oriented Database Systems;Object-Oriented Technology;

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