
頁: 281-306
日期: 2021/07
摘要: 近年台灣的電商直播發展銳不可當,透過直播來銷售被認為是一個快速、有效率的行銷模式。電商直播有著電視購物及夜市叫賣的刺激感,但真實感、可視化和互動性更高。直播主直接行銷商品特色,透過限時、限量促銷,節奏與步調快速,觀看的網友是顧客也是觀眾,電商直播為觀眾提供了社交、商務交易及享樂的多重意義,提供傳統電子商務及電視購物無法比擬的優勢。本研究架構基於賦能理論及SOR模型來推展,藉由對熱門直播主進行長達半年的線上觀察後,提出一個電商直播的顧客交易意圖架構,以電商直播所提供的三種賦能(社交賦能、商業賦能及享樂賦能),分析不同賦能如何刺激觀眾的內心反應(信任感),在短時間內促使觀眾產生衝動性購買、或被直播主說服而產生購買意圖及願意向他人推薦的忠誠態度。本研究共回收325份有效問卷,透過PLS驗證模型。結果顯示觀眾因為直播主提供的社交及商業賦能而增加信任感,進而促使衝動購買、交易意圖及忠誠度;另外,直播主帶來的享樂功能亦能有效誘發觀眾的衝動購買。結論中提供了相關的管理意涵討論。
關鍵字: 電商直播;直播主;賦能理論;信任;衝動性購買;交易意圖;

Investigating Purchase Intention in E-commerce Live Streaming: An Affordance Perspective

Abstract: Purpose - Our research model was based on affordance and SOR theory and a 6-months online observation of a popular live streamer on Taobao. This study investigated how the various affordances enhance customer trust, which in turn makes customers buy impulsively as well as increase purchase intentions and loyalty. Design/methodology/approach - A survey with a total of 325 valid responses was used for model validation in PLS. Findings - The results show that customer trust increases due to the social and commerce affordances provided by the live streamers, which leads to impulse buying, purchase intention, and customer loyalty. The hedonic affordance offered by live streamers is also significant in inducing impulse buying. Research limitations/implications - This study emphasizes the influence of cognition on behavior. The stimulus provided by affordance is like a placebo effect, because viewers believe that e-commerce live streaming provides certain values and meanings which resulting in subsequent internal and external responses. Practical implications - When evaluating how to select and cultivate live streamers with different abilities, firms can consider the three types of affordances to select and cultivate live streamers who can effectively provide various kinds of empowerment to achieve sales performance and effectively stimulate customers' purchase intention. Originality/value - This study focuses on both impulse purchases and intended purchases, because in the fast-paced and exciting culture of e-commerce live streaming, it is impulse purchases that may be the source of great sales in the live streaming model.
Keywords: E-commerce live streaming;live streamers;affordance theory;trust;impulse buying;purchase intention;

瀏覽次數: 12406     下載次數: 482

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