
頁: 209-239
日期: 2019/04
摘要: 工業4.0提倡以建置具有調適性及資源效率,且能運用虛實整合系統(cyber-physical systems; CPS)進行智慧生產,協助企業持續朝智能方向前進。目前的工業4.0仍以大企業投入實踐的較多,然而中小企業在許多國家都是製造供應鏈的重心,面臨著舊有設備仍須使用卻缺乏資通訊功能的現況,如要邁向智慧生產且要虛實整合的話,對許多中小企業而言,存在著許多困難與阻礙。有鑑於此,本研究提出一個以精實生產做為工業4.0之發展基礎與方向,透過物聯網(Internet of Things; IoT)設施來建立可視化生產環境之「精實物聯網平台架構」,其目的是要提高作業點(如機台)所蒐集數據的解析度,如此將有利於可視化後之問題分析與改善。本研究提出以資訊技術來協助中小企業在製造生產流程中,推動精實生產活動及運用工具來使管理更易落實。本研究提出的精實物聯網平台整合了(1)作業科技(OT)、(2)通訊技術(CT)、(3)資料技術(DT)、(4)營業技術(BT)等的4T技術,協助中小企業實現工業4.0數位工廠之透通化管理。本研究應用之架構,係透過精實物聯網平台,建立邁向工業4.0的步驟,協助中小企業可以進行傳統設備之改善,而此一改善的最終的目地是要改善中小企業營運的三大核心議題─交期承諾、生產效率與庫存水準。本研究所提出之架構及應用,可以讓中小企業建立以精實生產為目標,透過IoT強化智慧製造之管理模式,減少浪費、降低成本,進而提昇供應鏈效率,達成中小企業持續變革轉型升級與創新目地。
關鍵字: 工業4.0;精實生產;數位工廠;儀表板;物聯網;

An Approach for SME Manufacturing Process to Achieve Industrial 4.0 Using Lean-Based IoT Platform

Abstract: Purpose-The goal of this research is to propose a lean-based IoT (Internet of Thing) platform and the process of deploying the platform for SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) such that the SMEs can progress with continuous transformation, upgrading, and innovation, and finally achieving the Industrial 4.0. Design/methodology/approach - This study uses the method of deductive classification according to the past scholars' research combined with the production factors to improve the field, production improvement, quality improvement and human resources, and with 5S movement (finishing, rectifying, cleaning, cleaning, literacy), visualization, standardization, Kanban, U-shape production line, Heijunka, Single-minute exchange of die (SMED), single-piece production, comprehensive production management, comprehensive quality management, quality control circle, multiple labor, automation and teamwork, etc. 14 precision production tools and activities With Industry 4.0 IT applications, we have proposed an IoT production management platform based on lean production for SMEs in Taiwan. Through a low-cost improvement program, the study shows that equipment investment enables SMEs to continue to move from Industry 2.0 and Industry 3.0 to Industry 4.0, achieving sustainable improvement and cost reduction goals. In order to validate our proposed approach, we implemented a lean-based Internet of Things (IoT) platform for small and medium-sized enterprises in Taichung, Taiwan, for a one-year project and verified the effectiveness of the company's production improvements. Findings - After verification, we found that SMEs have many problems in improving production management: (1) data collection and data recording during production, (2) tracking and tracking, visualization and accuracy of machine management issues, and (3) error/fault reporting. Waiting for maintenance and alarm issues. Based on lean production factors, we use 4T, namely operation technology (OT), communication technology (CT), data technology (DT), and Business technology (BT) to realize lean-based SME Internet of Things platform. After the implementation in a SME company, we found that the production rate has increased and the power consumption, the maintenance time, the cross-country travelling, the time of shot-down (due to machine malfunction), the cost of maintenance has all reduced. Research limitations/implications - The platform proposed is specifically designed only for SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) where old machines, lack of IoT design, are still working in the production line. Practical implications - This research proposed a lean-based IoT production platform specifically for SMEs who wish to move from current status into Industrial 4.0. The proposed platform can be practically implemented with low-cost investment, which supports smart manufacturing. For SME, budget limitation and the investment for new machine are always the dilemma for transforming into a digital smart factory. To resolve the SME's problem, our proposed method, the facilities suggested and the process of 4T technologies can be the solution for SME to break free from that dilemma. Indeed, any SME can apply our method to realize the lean production and still with continuous improvement. Originality/value-The idea of "lean-based IoT platform for SMEs" is originated by this research. Due to the large proportion of SMEs in Taiwan, SMEs are facing the dilemma of whether to put the investment in new equipment for Industrial 4.0 or to modify the old machine into communicated one. This research proposed a low-cost, easy to implement, and management through visualization for SMEs. To prove the platform is applicable this research has implemented the proposed platform in a SME which is located in Taichung city, Taiwan. After a one-year project, the results showed that our proposed method is easy to deploy and it can assist SMEs moving from current status into Industry 4.0. Our contribution is to release the investment doubt for transforming the factory into smart digital factory for SMEs.
Keywords: Industry 4.0;lean manufacturing;digital factory;dashboard;IoT;

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