
頁: 447-474
日期: 2018/10
摘要: SaaS雲端服務具備靈活彈性、高擴充性以及隨選即用等特性。為確保使用者可使用高品質的SaaS服務並獲得上述實際效益,如何測試SaaS雲端服務品質是業界非常重要的議題之一。有鑑於傳統的軟體測試無法有效的檢驗雲端服務之特性與品質,本研究期望建立一個較合適之測試程序來驗證SaaS雲端服務品質。爰先透過文獻分析彙整SaaS雲端服務主要特性,並參考軟體品質標準設計之品質模型,最後依功能性與非功能性雲端服務特性發展出較符合業界需求的測試程序。本研究以文獻內容分析法歸納出雲端測試特性,再設計出SaaS雲端服務品質特性所對應之檢測指標,結合實務專家意見訪談印證檢測方法與指標的適用性,並匯總建議。受訪專家表一致表示本研究發展之檢測指標適切,並提供了良好可遵循之檢測參考結果。本研究也採用層級分析法獲得雲端服務特性之權重,期望本研究所發展出之測試程序,能讓雲端服務使用者得以檢視業者將推出之SaaS雲端服務是否具備雲端特性,並能確保提供高服務品質與滿意度的雲端服務。
關鍵字: 雲端運算;雲端服務特性;ISO/IEC 25010;軟體品質測試;AHP;

A Study of Software Quality Testing for Software as a Service

Abstract: Purpose-SaaS have a lot of valuable characteristics, such as flexibility, scalability, high-demand and pay per use, etc. In view of the traditional software testing cannot effectively test SaaS quality, this study aims to establish a testing mechanism to ensure SaaS quality. Design/methodology/approach-First defines SaaS characteristics mainly through literature analysis, then reference to international software quality standards to design quality model, and finally base on functional and non-functional SaaS characteristics to development testing procedures. Findings-This study first uses content analysis from reference literatures to induct cloud testing, then designs SaaS cloud service quality characteristics to map testing indexes, and finally combine interviews with industry experts to verify applicability of testing methods and indexes and collect suggestions. This study also obtains the weight of SaaS characteristics. Research limitations/implications - Interviewed experts unanimous express applicability of this testing index study and provide proper testing reference for follow up to compliance in testing. These testing procedures can help user to assure those SaaS can fit cloud characteristics and ensure the quality of its services. Practical implications-The results of this research can provide service providers as software shelves or quality of service testing. Originality/value-This study established a testing mechanism to ensure SaaS quality and also obtain the weight of SaaS characteristics. Interviewed experts unanimous express applicability of this testing index study and provide proper testing reference for follow up to compliance in testing.
Keywords: cloud computing;SaaS characteristics;ISO/IEC 25010;software quality testing;AHP;

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