
頁: 397-421
日期: 2018/10
摘要: 網路與行動科技的普及使得人們可隨時隨地上網,對人們的生活型態帶來全面性的影響及改變。然而,這種離不開網路的生活型態到底對人們整體的生活滿意度產生什麼影響?本研究目的在探討隨時隨地可上網的行為模式對數位移民在線上整體生活滿意度的影響。本研究以隱喻誘引技術(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique)針對17位數位移民的線上生活滿意度進行深度訪談。藉由共識地圖建構與分析數位移民在線上生活滿意度的內心深層感受與想法。研究發現如下:第一、網路影響數位移民之線上整體生活滿意度的因素為資訊性、方便性、分享、愉悅感、重要性及一體兩面等因素。第二、影響數位移民之線上生活的滿意度可從「情感價值」、「社會連結」、「功利價值」及「負面效果」四個角度來解釋。
關鍵字: 網路科技;數位移民;生活滿意度;隱喻誘引技術;數位落差;

Analyzing the Effects of Internet on the Digital Immigrants' Online Life Satisfaction by Using ZMET

Abstract: Purpose-The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of Internet technology on the online life satisfaction of digital immigrants. Design/methodology/approach-This study applies Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) as the research method to explore how Internet technology affects digital immigrants' overall life satisfaction. Findings-Digital immigrants consider there are many positive effects (Informativeness, Convenience, Sharing, and Hedonic value) of Internet technology in their online life satisfaction. In addition, their online life satisfaction can be explained from four perspectives: emotional value, social connectedness, utilization value, and side effects. Research limitations/implications-This study focused on the online life satisfaction digital immigrants but not digital natives. Future research can focus on digital natives and elders. Practical implications-Through ZMET, we extract the important constructs of digital immigrants' perceptions of their online life satisfaction. Originality/value-Digital immigrants consider there are many benefits of using Internet which would lead to their online life satisfaction. It implies the digital divide between digital immigrants and digital natives is alleviating.
Keywords: digital divide;digital immigrants;internet technology;online life satisfaction;Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET);

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