
頁: 1-24
日期: 2014/01
摘要: 隨著生活步調快速,生活壓力的增加,失眠和憂鬱症的病患日益增加。然而,音樂可以讓心靈放鬆情緒,故將音樂的特色加入到治療中,讓音樂治療需求者或病患能透過音樂治療能放鬆情緒,達到健康照護的效果。有鑑於此,本研究著重一套決策支援系統─個人化音樂治療服務推薦系統(Personalization Music Therapy Service Recommendation System:PMTSRS),提供最適音樂治療服務的推薦,同時結合醫療專家的知識,並考量不同療法對於病症所可能產生的影響,再依使用者的病症和音樂偏好,推薦給使用者一個合適的音樂治療綜合資訊服務。
關鍵字: 音樂治療;推薦系統;音樂內容分析;音樂內容分類;資訊檢索;

Personalization Music Therapy Service Recommendation System Using Information Retrieval Technology

Abstract: The quantity of sleeplessness and melancholia patients is becoming more and more with the fast living pace and high life stress in modern society. However, music has three characteristics which are relaxation, recreation, and rejuvenation. Therefore, the music therapy applies the music to let patients relax and decompress. In this paper, we propose a decision support systems, the Personalization Music Therapy Service Recommendation System (PMTSRS), which provides an adaptive Music Therapy Service (MTS). The MTS will provide relevant recommendations to its user. The PMTSRS is built upon an integrated service platform in which medical experts' knowledge and all influence of the proposed therapy are considered. Above all, a patient's symptom and preferences are inferred by rule-based reasoning to provide and adaptive MTS.
Keywords: Music Therapy;Recommendation System;Music Content Analysis;Music Content Classification;Information Retrieval;

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