
頁: 449-481
日期: 2013/10
摘要: 本研究將應用AJAX技術開發性犯罪量刑專家系統,並有以下研究目的:其一、建構法官與觀審員個別操作介面之量刑系統。其二、以人性化的角度,設計選擇量刑條件的操作流程;同時避免量刑系統資料過於龐大,導致讀取緩慢之情形。其三、法官量刑系統之部分,保留法官根據案件實際情節增減刑期之空間。其四、除過去判決資料之呈現外,實際給予判決刑度的建議。本系統之架構分為三個部分:歷年判決資料庫、使用者介面以及運算規則庫。其量刑結果將依據歷年判決刑期之平均數值,藉由公式運算科刑條件的權重加減,最後得致量刑刑度之建議,提供法官與觀審員參考,以期降低判決之歧異,維持量刑之一致性與穩定性。
關鍵字: 性犯罪;量刑;專家系統;


Abstract: In this research the AJAX technique was used to develop an expert system for sex-crime sentencing. The goals were as follows: (1) to create an expert system which can be easily operated by judges and members of an observer jury; (2) to take a humanized perspective to designing a sentencing operating procedure which is streamlined and efficient; (3) to retain in the system the judge's prerogative to adjust the sentence according to the actual circumstances of the case; and (4) to design the system in such a way that it provides sentencing recommendations as well as information on past cases of a similar type. The system developed in this research consists of three parts: a database of past sentences; a user interface; and an operational rule base. The system makes sentencing recommendations based on the average length of past sentences, while also applying a weighting formula for taking into account the specific circumstances of the case, so as to make sentences more consistent and equitable.
Keywords: Sex Crime;Sentencing;Decision Support System;Expert System;

瀏覽次數: 11074     下載次數: 4874

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