
頁: 709-738
日期: 2012/10
摘要: 近年來社交媒介之平台在網路迅速地興起,尤其部落格與旅遊訊息之結合,形成旅遊資訊分享之熱門平台。旅遊部落格將提供使用者瀏覽旅遊資訊以提高瀏覽體驗價值。本研究建置一個「新社旅遊家」部落格,並以此旅遊部落格為研究對象,探討「瀏覽體驗」對旅遊部落格忠誠行為意向的影響,並將部落格文章加以分類,探討文章分類不同之干擾效果。本研究使用AMOS 17軟體以線性結構模式來驗證理論模式,抽樣此部落格397份之有效樣本進行實證分析,實證結果發現「瀏覽體驗」正向影響「體驗價值」與「忠誠行為意向」,「體驗價值」正向影響使用者瀏覽部落格之「忠誠行為意向」,選擇不同言辭行動分類文章之使用者其瀏覽體驗對體驗價值與忠誠行為意向之影響有不同之干擾效果,選擇不同言辭行動分類文章之使用者其瀏覽體驗價值對忠誠行為意向之影響亦有不同之干擾效果。最後討論觀光業者之旅遊部落格行銷策略及學術未來的研究方向。
關鍵字: 瀏覽體驗;體驗價值;忠誠行為意向;

Effects of Browsing Experience on Loyal Behavior Intentions-The Moderating Effect of Article Categories

Abstract: The Internet platform of social media has developed rapidly in recent years. In tourism, the blog-based travel experience sharing has become an important platform for obtaining information. A travel blog provides visitors valuable travel information and thereby increases the browsing experiential value. Based on the travel blog known as Shinshou Travelers, this study investigates the effect of user browsing experience on loyal behavior intentions. It also examines the moderating effect of content catagory on this relationship. The software AMOS 17 is used to conduct a structural equation modeling analysis of the 397 responses collected from the website Shinshou Travelers. The result of data analysis validates a theoretical model that user browsing experience positively affects both user's experiential value and loyal behavior intentions. Experiential value has a positive effect on user loyalty behavior intentions. Results suggests a significant moderating effect of content catagory on the aforementioned relationships. The important implications for tourism marketers in setting blog marketing strategies as well as the directions for future academic research are discussed.
Keywords: Browsing Experience;Experiential Value;Loyal Behavior Intention;

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