
頁: 253-279
日期: 2013/07
摘要: 企業購併通常是組織賴以成長的手段之一,一般皆認為購併能創造綜效,從而提高兩公司合併後的整體價值。然而,一樁購併的完成,有時往往是整合陣痛期的開始。成功的企業合併需要資訊系統及服務完全的整合,企業內部資訊整合除了傳統人力作業方式控制取得外,利用資訊系統來達到整合目的為企業當前的趨勢。本研究採用紮根理論及個案研究法等方式,探討企業購併過程中在資訊系統整合不同生命週期間衍生之管理議題,並深入探討企業購併中異質資訊系統整合管理模式與理論,進而建構企業購併中資訊系統之整合模式。本研究的成果除可提供企業購併中異質資訊系統整合時之參考依據,亦可供學術界繼續討論與驗證此整合模式。
關鍵字: 紮根理論;個案研究;企業購併;資訊系統整合;

A Study of IS Integration Model after Merger and Acquisition -The Perspective from H-Group and Subsidiaries Unit

Abstract: The enterprise’s merger and acquisition is usually one of many ways that makes an enterprise grow up. It is also the most rapidly but risky developing strategy. General speaking, an enterprise could create more synergies and increase corporate total value via merger and acquisition. However, signing a contract is just a beginning. The integration between two different companies is always taking a long period of time and painful process. A successful merger and acquisition needs fully to integrate separate information technologies and customer services. Taking control over traditional human working power is not enough. Information technology integration is the main trend in today’s business environment and ERP was given fully discussion already. In this research we used ERP as an example and applied Grounded theory with case study to evaluate and approve corporate management issues on each different life cycle of Information technology integration. By using case study, we look more deeply into industry integration in the phase before the merger and acquisition taking place. We know more about functional integration and process integration during the integration period. We get more deeply about business integration and industry integration or the Role model generation at the end of integration period. Finally how to build heterogeneous integration module of information technology when integrate is the most important result of this research.
Keywords: Grounded Theory;Case Study;Merger and Acquisition;IS Integration;

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