
頁: 51-74
日期: 2011/07
摘要: 電子型錄在現今的商業環境中已被廣泛的使用,而以電子郵件為媒介的電子型錄在現今的電子商務環境中仍為許多企業所採用。但隨著垃圾郵件的泛濫,經由電子郵件傳遞的型錄已經無法有效的直接傳達給消費者。此外,近年來因行銷觀念演進所產生的個人化行銷策略漸趨重要,使得個人化導向的電子型錄之需求也逐漸增長。本研究以Web 2.0為主要概念整合服務導向架構與網路摘要服務來設計個人化電子型錄架構。經由此架構,使用網路摘要技術作為電子型錄的媒介可大幅提高其可攜性,能在不同的設備上快速且舒適的觀看電子型錄。以服務導向架構來實現Web 2.0中多重來源的聯合提供內容概念,在內容製作上簡易且成本低廉,使用者則能依不同的需求建立各式的標記條件,產出高度個人化的電子型錄。
關鍵字: 電子型錄;個人化;Web 2.0;服務導向架構;網路摘要;

A Service-Oriented Architecture Based Service Platform for Supporting Highly Personalized Portable Electronic Catalogues

Abstract: E-catalogs are widely used for conducting marketing practice in the contemporary electronic commerce (EC) environment. E-mail based e-catalog delivery is still one of the main approaches for companies to push product information to their potential customers. However, there exists a SPAM related problem resulting in an issue that e-mail based e-catalogs may be sifted out and cannot reach their target customers. Nevertheless, personalization is now considered as an important marketing strategy, so that mass distribution of e-catalogs is now no longer suitable or less desirable to serve EC companies' marketing needs. In this study, we designed and implemented an innovative service for accomplishing the efficient creation and effective delivery of highly personalized e-catalogs to target customers. In doing so, it not only utilizes but contributes to the body of knowledge associated with the emergent Web 2.0 concepts, service-oriented architecture design, and Web-Feed media based EC applications.
Keywords: E-Catalog;Personalization;Web 2.0;Service-Oriented Architecture;Web-Feed;

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