
頁: 131-160
日期: 2011/04
摘要: 當今科技採納文獻多重視改善科技功能或解除組織的制約。然而,這些文獻對科技內嵌的結構特質卻仍著墨不多。本研究以「結構互融理論」(structuration theory)來分析科技內含的「組織作為」,由科技契合重新了解科技採納的挑戰。本文以中德技術移轉為背景,分析一家中方航空維修公司導入資訊系統時所遇到的挑戰。本案例以質性研究法進行田野訪查,分析維修工程師的工作實務,並整理出三項組織作為:派工、採購以及施工,藉以呈現潛藏於資訊系統中的後勤運作體系。本研究發現,德方這套科技內的組織作為與接受方既有的組織作為完全不相容,因此使科技採納困難重重。本研究透過組織作為,分析資訊科技內含的設計原則,解讀科技與組織的結構性差異,了解採納失利的原因,並提出學理與實務上的貢獻。
關鍵字: 結構互融理論;科技採納;技術移轉;工作實務;組織作為;質性研究;

When Oranges Become Sour: An Analysis of Organizing Practices in Cross-context Technology Adoption

Abstract: In the analysis of technology adoption, the prior literature stresses on either technology functions or organizational constraints enacted by institutions. However, relatively few studies focused on the structural properties embedded in information systems. This study drew on structuration theory to examine the organizing practices embedded within the technology and situated in organization. To examine organizing practices, we employed qualitative methods to investigate an enterprise system designed to facilitate aircraft MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul) in a Sino-German joint venture. The findings indicate that technology adoption should be reconsidered as a process of knowledge transfer. This research aims to unearth the knowledge of organizing embedded in the technology and illustrate the dynamics of knowledge transfer. Our findings provide further theoretical development to technology adoption literature and the application of practice-base analysis. Practical insights for technology adoption in cross-context are discussed.
Keywords: structuration theory;technology adoption;technology transfer;work practices;organizing practices;qualitative methods;

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